Mi történik akkor, ha skizofréniára szedek gyógyszert, de valójában nem is vagyok skizofréniás?

"pont most tanultam erről, pszichológus vagyok"
Ha tényleg pszichológus lennél, akkor nem "pont most" tanultál volna erről, hanem még egyetemista korodban. Tehát legjobb esetben pszichológusnak tanulsz. Még nem vagy az.
Kérdező, így olvasd, amit ír.

Kapur, S. (2003). Psychosis as a state of aberrant salience: a framework linking biology, phenomenology, and pharmacology in schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 160, 13-23.
"While the newer “atypical” antipsychotics
are better tolerated, antipsychotics as a class are
associated with an element of “dysphoria” or a “deficit-like
"Laborit and Huguenard (116) reported
in 1951 that patients given these drugs showed désintéressement
in their surroundings even in the absence of
any sedation, while Delay et al. (117) observed in 1952 an
état d’indifférence resembling in this respect the effects of
lobotomy, which was prevalent in those times. This concept
was captured by others, who have used terms such as
“psychic indifference” (E. Meurice, unpublished article,
2000), “distanciating agents”(118), and “emotional restriction”
"Neither normal volunteers nor patients find antipsychotics
pleasant; in both populations they are associated with a plethora of unpleasant subjective effects, captured
under the rubric of “neuroleptic-induced dysphoria,” “decreased
motivational drive,” or “neuroleptic-induced deficit
state. These side effects may be the
other edge of the fundamental mechanism of antipsychotics—
dampened salience. A high salience of the objects
and ideas that one loves and desires is the important force
that drives humans and their social interactions”
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