Oltás nélkül tényleg nem lehet majd külföldre utazni? Vagy ez egyelőre csak egy feltelezés?

De lehet majd, valószínűleg az alábbi feltételekkel:
-Érkezést követően 10-14 nap karantén és/vagy negatív PCR teszt(ek).
-Egyes légitársaságok nem fognak felengedni oltási igazolvány hiányában
-Hazaérkezést követően 10-14 nap karantén és/vagy negatív PCR teszt(ek).

Egyenlore kernek tesztet de ez valtozhat. Most nem utaznak sokan repulovel a virus miatt es a legitarsasagokat is segitik a kulonbozo orszagok kormanyai. Ha nem kapnak majd penzt az allamtol akkor lazitanak majd a szabalyokon mert jelenlegi utasforgalommal nem elnenek tul ha segelyt nem kapnak.
En inkabb nem utaznek, vagy ha igen akkor autoval. Utaztam tavaly repulovel es megbantam hogy nem autoval mentem mert vegig maszkban kellett lennem ami nagyon kellemetlen volt.

Pl. Skóciába való beutazás feltétele:
Managed isolation: what you must do
Pre journey
Before travelling to Scotland, you must complete the following requirements:
undertake a valid COVID-19 test no more than three days before departure to the UK, and present a certified negative result in order to board the plane
before departure for arrivals from Monday 15 February, you must book an accommodation and testing package through the UK Government portal. This will cost £1,750 for the first traveller in a room, £650 for an additional adult or a child over 12, and £325 for a child aged 5-12.
before departure, you must complete a Passenger Locator Form (PLF) and submit it to the Home Office. Within the PLF you will need to declare which countries you have been to during the 10 days prior to arriving in the UK. You can also declare that you are exempt from the isolation requirement.
Carriers will check passengers have a completed PLF, pre-departure test and managed isolation booking before boarding. Passengers have a duty to complete a further PLF if any of the details need to be updated.
For those in receipt of income-related benefits, there is the opportunity to apply for a deferred payment plan through the UK Government.
When you arrive
On arrival, you should proceed to border control where Border Force will check your test certificate, PLF and accommodation booking. Border Force can issue a Fixed Penalty Notice of £480 for non-compliance with the requirements.
From border control, security personnel will escort passengers to baggage reclaim and on to pre-arranged transport to the quarantine hotel.
On arrival at your designated hotel, you will be registered and directed to the room in which you must isolate and you will be given two UK home testing kits. Tests must be completed on day 2 and day 8 of isolation. Children aged 11 and under are not required to take the tests, but they may.
If you test positive at any point, you will be required to stay in the quarantine hotel until at least 10 days after the test was taken.
Additional daily charges will apply: £152 for the first adult, £41 for an additional adult or child over 12, and £12 for a child aged 5-12.
Three meals per day as well as fruit and soft drinks, water, tea and coffee are provided in room. You can also purchase additional food and drink through the hotel’s commercial offering on room service.
Hasonlóra lehet majd számítani a későbbiekben. Tehát mehetsz oltás nélkül, csak a pénztárcád és az időd bánja majd.
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