A fűtől miért kezd el gyorsan dobogni a szivem?

CB1-es receptoron hat, ideges lehetsz tőle, ami miatt jobban odafigyelsz magadra és ha hajlamos vagy pánikra akkor megijedhetsz. fokozódik a szimpatikus hatás amitől gyorsabban ver a szived. ennyi. teljesen normális
wikipedia ha tényleg érdekel:
A CB1 receptor knock-out mouse study examined the effect that these receptors play on exploratory behavior in novel situations. Researchers selectively targeted glutamatergic and GABAergic cortical interneurons and studied results in open field, novel object, and sociability tests. Eliminating glutamatergic cannabinoid receptors led to decreased object exploration, social interactions, and increased aggressive behavior. In contrast, GABAergic cannabinoid receptor-knockout mice showed increased exploration of objects, socialization, and open field movement.[16] These opposing effects reveal the importance of the endocannabinoid system in regulating anxiety-dependent behavior. Glutamatergic CB1receptors not only are responsible for mediating aggression but produce anxiolytic-like function by inhibiting excessive arousal, which prevented the mice from exploring both animate and inanimate objects. In contrast, GABAergic CB1 receptors appear to control an anxiogenic-like function by limiting inhibitory transmitter release. Taken together, these results illustrate the regulatory function of the CB1 receptor on the organism's overall sense of arousal during novel situations and suggest that investigatory drive is associated with impulsive behavior.
Another study found that differential synthesis of anandamide and 2-AG in response to stress mediated beneficial effects of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. These effects were eliminated by the application of the CB1 antagonist AM251, illustrating that this receptor is essential for modulating the function of the stress response.[17]

A kérdés az volt hogy miért kezd el gyorsan dobogni. Arra válaszoltam.
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