Revoluton crypto-ba történő befektetés vagy eladás esetén számít fel díjat a Revolut?

Csak a hivatalos hirdetményüket kéne elolvasni, de ha ez sem sikerült, akkor inkább ne kereskedj kriptóval.
"Exchanging cryptocurrencies
Whenever you make a cryptocurrency exchange using Revolut, we use our simple and transparent pricing formula of rate + fee = total cost.
The exchange rate we use for crypto is set out in our Cryptocurrency Terms. It is set by us, based on the rate that the crypto exchanges offer us, and is a variable exchange rate (which means it is constantly changing). You can always see the current crypto exchange rate in the Revolut app.
We charge a single, fixed fee for crypto conversions. This fee is 2.5% for Standard and Plus users (and 1.5% for Premium and Metal users). We don’t charge you any other fees for this service.
As always, we will show you the rate, the fee, and the total cost in the Revolut app before you make any exchange."

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