Ha esta engedéllyel utazom NY-ba és hazajövök 90 napon belül akkor mennyi időt kell itthon lennem hogy újra kimehessek?

Hivatalos oldal:
Approved ESTA applications are valid for a period of two years, or until the passport expires, whichever comes first, and multiple trips to the United States without the traveler having to re-apply for another ESTA. The ESTA travel information may be updated before each trip to the U.S., but it is not required. When traveling to the U.S. with the approved ESTA, you may only stay for up to 90 days at a time - and there should be a reasonable amount of time between visits so that the CBP Officer does not think you are trying to live here. There is no set requirement for how long you must wait between visits.
"reasonable amount of time" es "no set requirement" - ez a lenyeg, vagyis teljen el eleg ido, de az ido nincs megszabva!
Ez nem jelenti azt, hogy ahany napot itt voltal, annyit kell tavol lenned. Ha el tudod hitetni a bev.tiszttel, hogy nem azert jottel, hogy itt elj, akkor mindegy hany nap telik el a ket beutazas kozott!
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