Hogyan működnek az APC kioskok a reptereken?

Instead of filling out a paper Customs declaration form, eligible passengers can proceed directly to the APC kiosks in the passport control area. Travelers are prompted to scan their passport, take a photograph using the kiosk, and answer a series of CBP inspection related questions verifying biographic and flight information. Once passengers have completed the series of questions, a receipt will be issued. Travelers then bring their passport and receipt to a CBP Officer to finalize their inspection for entry into the United States. The kiosks allow people residing at the same address to be processed together.

Mi Detroitban hasznaltunk ilyet.
Beszkenneled az utlevelet, csinal rolad kepet is, stb a vegen kinyomtat egy papirt.
Ezzet odamesz a tiszthez aki ugyan ugy kerdez. Mi USAban lakunk ugyhogy nem vagyunk estasok de annyit kerdezett hogy hol jartunk mennyi idore mentunk.
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