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In 1981, scientists identified unfossilized dinosaur bones which had been found in Alaska 20 years earlier. Dr. Philip Currie (an evolutionist) wrote about this and some similar finds, “An even more spectacular example was found on the North Shore of Alaska, where many thousands of bones lack any significant degree of permineralization. The bones look and feel like old cow bones, and the discoverers of the site did not report it for twenty years because they assumed they were bison, not dinosaur, bones.”
As Dr. Margaret Helder has said, “How these bones could have remained in fresh condition for 70 million years is a perplexing question. One thing is certain: they were not preserved by cold. Everyone recognizes that the climate in these regions was much warmer during the time when the dinosaurs lived.”
In 1990 a sample of various dinosaur bones were sent to the University of Arizona for a “blind” Carbon-14 dating procedure. “Blind” in the sense that they didn’t tell them what the bones were. The oldest date they got was 16 thousand years. Now I don’t think they are even that old, but that’s a far cry from the millions of years evolutionists suggest. If dinosaurs became extinct more than 65 million years ago, there should be no carbon-14 left in their bones. Evolutionist of course say the samples must have been contaminated.
In 1990, Scientists from the University of Montana found T. rex bones that were not totally fossilized and even found what appeared to be blood cells in them. Dr. Mary Schweitzer said, “It was exactly like looking at a slice of modern bone. But, of course, I couldn’t believe it. … The bones, after all, are 65 million years old. How could blood cells survive that long?” How indeed?
And then in 2005, they found an even greater discovery. Science Daily website said (March 25, 2005): “Dr. Mary Schweitzer . . . has succeeded in isolating soft tissue from the femur of a 68-million-year-old dinosaur. Not only is the tissue largely intact, it’s still transparent and pliable, and microscopic interior structures resembling blood vessels and even cells are still present.”
As Dr. David Menton said, “It certainly taxes one’s imagination to believe that soft tissue and cells could remain so relatively fresh in appearance for the tens of millions of years of supposed evolutionary history.” Wouldn’t that be a hit for the meat industry if we could figure out how to preserve meat for so long?
This evidence fits much better with Noah’s flood 4-5 thousand years ago, and a recent extinction of dinosaurs.
So, where are all the human fossils with dinosaurs? Actually, where are all the human fossils with any animals? Human fossils are extremely rare, and that’s what you would expect since they would have survived the longest in the Flood.
As Dr. Jonathon Sarfati said, “The more intelligent creatures would find a way to escape until the very end, leaving their bodies nearer the surface, where post-Flood erosion would destroy most evidence of their existence. Humans would have been most resilient of all, clinging to debris and rafts, before they died of exposure...”
With this line of reasoning, you can’t prove that man and Dodo birds lived together since their fossils are not found together. If human bones aren’t found buried with dinosaur bones, it simply means they weren’t buried together. It is pretty unlikely that humans and dinosaurs would live together for the most part (Would you choose to live near a large carnivorous dinosaur?).
Another thing you have to realize is that 95% of all fossils are marine organisms and 95% of that remaining 5% were plants. The percentage of the remaining animals is extremely small. So, we should not expect to find many human fossils at all, and we don’t.
Besides, the evidence from the jumbled up bone fragments can easily be misinterpreted. They have confused a dolphin’s rib for a human collarbone and an extinct pig’s tooth for a human tooth before. Couldn’t they make similar mistakes concerning human and dinosaur fossils? Especially since they are looking at the evidence from an evolutionary paradigm. Given the amount of sedimentary rock, we still have a great deal more to explore. There is still the possibility of finding human fossils in the lower levels of Flood sediment and along with dinosaurs.
And actually, more than once, there have been fossilized human footprints found along with dinosaur footprints. As you know, the evolutionists just quickly dismiss the evidence or try to get it discredited. They have to—it doesn’t fit their paradigm.
In a copper mine in Moab, Utah, two human skeletons were found in Cretaceous sandstone (supposedly more than 65 million years old, back in the time of the dinosaurs). So what did they say? They must have fallen down to that level somehow or were recently buried there.
In 2005, there was an interesting report by the Associated Press: “Villagers digging in China’s rich fossil beds have uncovered the preserved remains of a tiny dinosaur in the belly of a mammal, a startling discovery for scientists who have long believed early mammals couldn’t possibly attack and eat a dinosaur.” It was a dog type of creature. Evolutionists had previously said that no advanced mammals lived during the time of the dinosaurs. But, the more we dig, the more this kind of stuff is found.
For decades, evolutionists taught that coelacanths (a type of fish) became extinct about the same time as the dinosaurs (65 million years ago). Because its fossils looked “prehistoric” and because of its large fins, scientists speculated that the large fins evolved into feet and that its descendants eventually walked out of the sea. That’s until Dec. 24, 1938 when a five foot long coelacanth was caught off the coast of S. Africa. Since then, over 100 of them have been caught and researchers have found that Indonesian fisherman had been selling coelacanths in their fish markets for years. Guess what, the coelacanths are still using their fins to swim, not walk. No fossils of coelacanths have ever been found in the same layers as human fossils, but they have been found in the same layers as dinosaur fossils—yet we know coelacanths and humans lived together, because they do today.
In 1994, the Wollemi pine tree was found in Australia (also said to have become extinct millions of years ago). Professor Carrick Chambers said, “The discovery is the equivalent of finding a small dinosaur still alive on Earth.” Before these were found, if you would have said, “I believe that coelacanths and humans or the wollemi pine tree and humans lived together,” they would have said you were nuts. Just because we don’t find fossils of certain creatures or plants together with humans in the fossil record, it doesn’t mean they didn’t live together (it just means they weren’t buried together).
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