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Kérdeznék a lidércfényről?

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Úgy olvastam "begyulladásként" jön létre a mocsárban.

Ám állítólag ezt megcáfolták. Hol lehet erről tanulmányt találni?

A másik hogy hallottam egy felvetést, mi szerint létrejöhet szénben gazdag területen is. Ha igen, hogyan?

2019. aug. 27. 21:22
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Nem cáfolták meg:

"In modern science, it is generally accepted that will-o'-the-wisp phenomena (ignis fatuus) are caused by the oxidation of phosphine (PH3), diphosphane (P2H4), and methane (CH4). These compounds, produced by organic decay, can cause photon emissions. Since phosphine and diphosphane mixtures spontaneously ignite on contact with the oxygen in air, only small quantities of it would be needed to ignite the much more abundant methane to create ephemeral fires."

Alá is támasztották laborkörülmények között - többször is:

"One attempt to replicate ignis fatuus under laboratory conditions was in 1980 by British geologist Alan A. Mills of Leicester University. Though he did succeed in creating a cool glowing cloud by mixing crude phosphine and natural gas, the color of the light was green and it produced copious amounts of acrid smoke. This was contrary to most eyewitness accounts of ignis fatuus.


In 2008, the Italian chemists Luigi Garlaschelli and Paolo Boschetti attempted to recreate Mills' experiments. They successfully created a faint cool light by mixing phosphine with air and nitrogen. Though the glow was still greenish in color, Garlaschelli and Boschetti noted that under low-light conditions, the human eye cannot easily distinguish between colors. Furthermore, by adjusting the concentrations of the gases and the environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.), it was possible to eliminate the smoke and smell, or at least render it to undetectable levels. Garlaschelli and Boschetti also agreed with Mills that cold flames may also be a plausible explanation for other instances of ignis fatuus."

De lehet más is - például biolumineszencia:

"The will-o'-the-wisp phenomena may occur due to the bioluminescence of various forest dwelling micro-organisms and insects."

vagy tektonikus mozgás során létrejövő piezoelektromosság:

"In 1993, professors Derr and Persinger proposed that some ignis fatuus may be geologic in origin, piezoelectrically generated under tectonic strain."

Forrás: [link]

2019. aug. 27. 22:22
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:


A tektonikus mozgás során létrejövő piezoelektromossággról még nem is hallottam.

Arról van valami információ, hogy szénnel teli talajban létrejöhet-e tektonikus mozgás nélkül?

2019. aug. 27. 23:14
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Száradás hatására:


2019. aug. 27. 23:35
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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