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Valaki összefoglalná nekem nagy vonalakban Arisztotelész filozófiáját?

Figyelt kérdés
2022. dec. 10. 15:26
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:

A wikipediat nem ismernéd...??? Csodálkozom...


2022. dec. 10. 15:51
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Tíz kategóriát különböztetett meg:

1) szubsztancia (lényeg, fogalom); 2) mennyiség; 3) minőség; 4) viszony; 5) hely; 6) idő; 7) helyzet; 8) állapot és/vagy birtoklás; 9) cselekvés; 10) elszenvedés.

Egyáltalában bizonyos formalisztikus szellem lengi át Arisztotelész összes műveit, és esztétikájának elvei úgy etikájában, politikájában, pszichológiájában, élettanában, pedagógiájában, valamint főképp a retorikájában megtalálhatók.

2022. dec. 10. 16:12
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 MDaniel98 ***** válasza:

Ha tudsz angolul:

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who lived from 384-322 BC. He was a student of Plato, who was himself a student of Socrates. Aristotle's philosophy was wide-ranging and covered many subjects, including politics, ethics, metaphysics, and biology.

Aristotle's most famous philosophical work is probably his Ethics, in which he discusses the nature of virtue and happiness. He believed that the good life is one that is lived in accordance with reason, and that this requires the cultivation of virtues such as wisdom, courage, and moderation.

In his Politics, Aristotle discusses the ideal form of government, arguing that the best form of government is one that is ruled by philosopher-kings who are wise and virtuous. He also believed that people are naturally social beings and that the state is necessary for their well-being.

In his metaphysics, Aristotle developed a theory of causation known as the "four causes." This theory holds that everything that exists has four different causes: the material cause, the formal cause, the efficient cause, and the final cause. The material cause refers to the raw materials out of which something is made, the formal cause refers to its form or structure, the efficient cause refers to the agent that brings it into being, and the final cause refers to its purpose or end.

Aristotle's philosophy had a profound influence on Western thought, and many of his ideas remain important and relevant today. He is considered one of the greatest philosophers in history.

2022. dec. 11. 20:59
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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