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Miért lett a "piros lámpás" a bordélyházak, illetve a prostitúció jelképe?

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2022. jan. 14. 23:55
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:
2022. jan. 15. 00:17
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2022. jan. 15. 00:33
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

"Author Paul Wellman suggests that this and other terms associated with the American Old West originated in Dodge City, Kansas, home to a well-known prostitution district during the 19th century, which included the Red Light House saloon.This has not been proven, but the Dodge City use was likely responsible for the term's pervasiveness.A widespread folk etymology claims that early railroad workers took red lanterns with them when they visited brothels so their crew could find them in the event of an emergency. However, folklorist Barbara Mikkelson regards this as unfounded.

A more plausible explanation might originate from the time when sailors came back from sea to Amsterdam (ca. 1650): Women working as prostitutes, deprived from proper hygiene and running fresh water, carrying red lanterns — with their color camouflaging boils, zits, inequalities in the face and on the skin — made clear they were available as women of pleasure. Sailors, finally getting their relative royal pay, having been at sea for quite some time and looking for relief could so easily spot who would be available. In a later stage the red lanterns evolved into red lights at brothels. Since this was close to the main harbour, this district became known as the red-light district:"

2022. jan. 15. 11:35
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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2022. jan. 15. 13:30

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