A "white gold filled" gyűrű azt jelenti, hogy igazi fehérarany, még akkor is, ha csak 3 dollárba kerül?

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Ki adna el 3 dollárért igazi, tiszta fehérarany gyűrűt?
Valószínűleg csak vékony bevonat, belül pedig valami egyéb fém.

Én is nehezen hiszem el, ezért kérdeztem. Közben ezt találtam róla: White Gold Filled Jewelry is a thick (about 25mil) solid layer of quality white gold heat bonded onto an internal semi-precious metals by advanced mechanical process. It has all the great characteristics of solid white gold jewelry without price tag . Please do not compare white gold filled jewelry to plated jewelry (usually only 3 mil layer) as there is no comparison, white gold filled is much more valuable and tarnish resistant than plated. It does not flake off, tarnish or discolor. It is extremely long lasting and if taken care of will last you a lifetime.
White Gold filled jewelry is an economical alternative to solid white gold jewelry! Although it isn’t solid white gold jewelry.

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