Kik határozták meg először, hogy a kör 360 fokos?
Nem tudni pontosan, egész az ókorig nyúlik vissza a fok, mint mértékegység története.
"The original motivation for choosing the degree as a unit of rotations and angles is unknown. One theory states that it is related to the fact that 360 is approximately the number of days in a year..."
"Another theory is that the Babylonians subdivided the circle using the angle of an equilateral triangle as the basic unit and further subdivided the latter into 60 parts following their sexagesimal numeric system..."
"Aristarchus of Samos and Hipparchus seem to have been among the first Greek scientists to exploit Babylonian astronomical knowledge and techniques systematically.[9][10] Timocharis, Aristarchus, Aristillus, Archimedes, and Hipparchus were the first Greeks known to divide the circle in 360 degrees of 60 arc minutes.[11] Eratosthenes used a simpler sexagesimal system dividing a circle into 60 parts.
The division of the circle into 360 parts also occurred in ancient India, as evidenced in the Rigveda..."
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