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Pink Floyd logójának ahogy a fény megtörik, és szivárvány lesz belőle mi a jelentése?

Figyelt kérdés
2019. ápr. 16. 10:32
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Talán az együttes zenéjének sokszínűsége?

Ez csak az én tippem, de lehet tévedek.

Nem vagyok rajongó, de szeretem a zenéjüket, bár nem ismerem minden dalukat.

2019. ápr. 16. 13:37
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Az nem a logójuk, hanem egy lemezük borítója :D

A grafikai tervezőjük és a zenekar explanációja:

“The idea itself was cunningly cobbled from a standard physics textbook, which illustrated light passing through a prism. Of significance was the simple, elegant layout against black – standard textbook illustrations did not do this. Also important to the art direction, was the fortuitous decision to listen to Rick Wright, who suggested we do something clean, elegant and graphic, not photographic – not a figurative picture. And then to connect this idea to their live show, which was famous for its lighting, and subsequently to connect this to ambition and madness, themes Roger was exploring in the lyrics… hence the prism, the triangle and the pyramids.

Of minor significance was the complete appropriateness of the artwork to the record. The design is simply a mechanical tint lay, which means we drew outline shapes, black on white, and indicated what colours were to appear when printed. The prisms were airbrushed black on white and reversed by the printer.

The refracting glass prism referred to Floyd light shows – consummate use of light in the concert setting. Its outline is triangular and triangles are symbols of ambition, and are redolent of pyramids, both cosmic and mad in equal measure, all these ideas touching on themes in the lyrics. The joining of the spectrum extending round the back cover and across the gatefold inside was seamless like the segueing tracks on the album, whilst the opening heartbeat was represented by a repeating blip in one of the colours."

2019. ápr. 16. 15:14
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Tééényleg, hirtelen le sem esett, hogy az csak egy albumon van. :-)
2019. ápr. 17. 10:12
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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