Ennyi a szövege ennek a dalnak? (Részeg tengerész)
Baj van a részeg a tengerésszel,
Baj van a részeg a tengerésszel,
Baj van a részeg a tengerésszel,
Baj van a részeg a tengerésszel.
Baj van a részeg a tengerésszel,
Baj van a részeg a tengerésszel,
Baj van a részeg a tengerésszel,
Baj van a részeg a tengerésszel.
Mert én ezt így tudom csak. És mindezt gyorsan és dramatikusan kell énekelni. (szóval ha rossz hangsúllyal és rossz tempóban mondjátok, akkor nem az igazi)

Eredeti nyelven
"What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning!
Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning!
Put him in a long boat till his sober,
Put him in a long boat till his sober,
Put him in a long boat till his sober,
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning!
Stick him in a barrel with a hosepipe on him,
Stick him in a barrel with a hosepipe on him,
Stick him in a barrel with a hosepipe on him,
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning!
Put him in the bed with the captains daughter,
Put him in the bed with the captains daughter,
Put him in the bed with the captains daughter,
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning!
That's what we do with a drunken sailor,
That's what we do with a drunken sailor,
That's what we do with a drunken sailor,
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning!"
Több magyar feldolgozás is van, mindegyik egy kicsit más, itt van pl. ez: [link] de találni még mást is.
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