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A Beatles számokban Michelle és Jude létező személyek? Ha igen, kik voltak?

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2021. jan. 28. 21:35
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A Michelle valamilyen francia ballada alapján készült.

a Jude pedig:

"Julian Lennon, John Charles Julian Lennon (Liverpool, 1963. április 8. –) angol zenész, énekes-szövegíró, fotográfus. John Lennon és Cynthia Powell közös gyermeke. Keresztapja Brian Epstein, a Beatles egykori menedzsere. Három Beatles-dalnak is ihletője: a Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, a Hey Jude és a Good Night. A zenélésen és a fotózáson kívül emberbaráti erőfeszítéseknek szentelte, szenteli életét, elsősorban a White Feather Foundation és a Whaledreamers Organization szervezetek révén."

2021. jan. 28. 21:39
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 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:
2021. jan. 28. 21:52
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

"Michelle” dates back to about 1959 in Liverpool when Paul and John would attend parties frequented by art students who wore berets and goatees and smoked French cigarettes.

Paul worked up a comical party song sung in nonsensical faux French words, making fun of the men in goatees and berets, to amuse his friends.

Later, John suggested that Paul make it into a proper song.

Paul consulted Jan Vaughan, wife of his old friend, Ivan Vaughan, the person responsible for introducing Paul to John. Jan Vaughan was a French language teacher.

Jan Vaughan was actually the one who came up with the name “Michelle” and the opening words, “Michelle, ma belle.”

When Paul wanted a French translation of, “These are words that go together well,“ Jan Vaughan came up with,”Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble.”

John came up with the middle section, with its “I love you, I love you, I love you…” He was inspired by hearing Nina Simone sing “I Put a Spell On You.”

Paul used the finger picking style he’d learned by studying Chet Atkins. The song is in the somewhat unusual guitar key of F minor.

The song made me and probably millions of other teens sign up for French class in school.

Bob Dylan called “Michelle” “a copout.” However, it won the Grammy Award for Song of the Year in 1967.

2021. jan. 28. 22:56
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