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Brit22 kérdése:

Mi volt a cetlire írva amit Daemon Black írt annak idején az osztalyban Katynek?

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Mivel már rég ez a kérdés jár a fejemben gondoltam rákérdek mivel ezzel zárul a Luxen sorozat utolsó része.

2016. jan. 25. 20:09
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

"The note was originally in Onyx, but was removed during the editing process. At that point, the publisher had asked me not to share the note. They thought it would be better if the contents of the note was left to the reader's imagination, and I agreed. I wrote Onyx and a couple of years, and since the note was edited out, I have no idea what the exact wording of the note is now, and it will never be posted in its entirety, because the original note is somewhere on an old laptop and/or in the recesses of my brain.

BUT what I will tell you about the note is that it was written by Daemon, so right there should give you a good hint at the inappropriateness of said note. Everything you're imagining the note to be, if you're thinking along the lines of something naughty and sexual, then you are correct. It wasn't so much a love note, more like an idea on the many positions he'd like to showcase his love for Katy."

Röviden összefoglalva: szexuális tartalmú megjegyzés arról hogy milyen pozíciókat szeretne Daemon megmutatni Katynek.

2016. jan. 26. 22:53
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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