Megéri megvenni az új Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2?
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tessék itt egy nagyon komoly értékelés bár angolul van :
Making a serious review this time.
Xenoverse 2 is the successor to Xenoverse 1 (obviously) a game based in fixing a broken and currupted timeline, which by this point it is no surprise to anyone, Towa and Mira are the ones behind it all.
-(I will avoid spoilers if possible, despite most of the community already knowing most of it even without playing the game)
-While the first game surely felt short plotwise with uninteresting plot devices and weird twists at times, the second one managed to redeem itself and bring out a better story than before, while still being able to use what was previously established. A decision that was not bad at all and created a new non cannon interesting turn for the franchise.
-With a great and fun singleplayer experience on your first run, with a lot to explore, a new hub world that is beautiful in its own way, and offers a lot of mini quests and interesting gimmicks. This game in single player is definetly a beauty. Mentors are easy to find, quests are interesting to do, and now with enemy rushes that sometimes can be annoying, certainly do improve the experience.
-While it certainly did improve from its previous instalment, with far better combo game and much more fluid combat, even adding new types of combos and attacks, Xeno2 sure has brought a lot of new mechanics that make the game feel fresh, challenging and honestly, leaving the feeling of a true dragon ball fight. Well, almost.
-Before we move on to the next part of this review... MODS!!! One of the greatest things in this game. A lot of oportunities and creativity with what the devs have allowed us to do! Creating attacks, characters, transformations and hopefully maps and more in the future that we would love to see in game but never really got to! Boy it's good to play as super saiyan blue Vegito and Buu Gohan Absorbed. But that's just scratching the surface, with characters such as False super saiyan goku or even Bojack!
-But oh well, It's true xenoverse 2 feels a lot more like fluid and with fights that leave you feeling like a true warrior in the game, however this is if you play it fully for fun. Online has far too many exploitable issues and don't get me started on hackers. On PC it is far too easy to hack without getting punished.
-Some of the issues gameplay wise are more related to the fact that this is the second instalment and we still dont have beam clashes like in previous games. A real dragon ball game, having an epic battle ending it with a struggle in a life or death situation, where you mash your button hoping to get that win you worked so much to achieve... Nothing beats that great feeling. Even if you lose, it was still a worthy match ending with an epic and flashy struggle. I hope in the future we get to see this both in beams and even on melee struggles where both players clash with fists and mash. The one who mashes more times, wins and sends the enemy flying.
-Broken moves. The devs do try to balance them out but there will always be that one cheap combo, you can do nothing about, and will always lose to. By the time of this review, attacks such as Absolute Zero and Prelude of Destruction (just two examples) leave a player feeling robbed of that mach and with 0 fun during this unfair fight because he could not move during the whole time and just had to see his health drop like crazy.
-Camera issues, game crashes, constant DC in certain missions and many more. Only a few of the many many bugs this game has. Devs seem o never be able to successfully patch them... so this really becomes an issue to us all.
- And let us not forget about certain design choices. Such as every new character has to start everything from the very very beginning expect for moves and zenni but everything else is lost which now caused players to use max level mods more frequently so they dont have to play everything from the start and not be able to farm exp as easily as before. Also the loading screens are horrible and please get rid of the tutorial levels... I've palyed them way too many times.
-Sure they patch the game once in a while, sure they get to fix the issues we get... but every time we require it, even when it comes to DLC being released, it always takes too long and there's some problem which leaves me and other players wondering about the developers skill to program a game. But despite all of that, we still get what we were promised even if dellayed, and this game does indeed grow better and better. Let's just hope the crashes and hackers end for good sometime in the future.
Final Rating: 7/10 Needs Beam clashes.
This has been my review for Xenoverse 2 but before I leave, I'd like to comment that I have a group on steam for players to group up for raids, quests and even battles easily without having to go online and just spammung around Coton city that they want friends to play with. At the moment we are small but once we grow we will start making tournaments, streams and more to not let this game die, much less become forgotten to its console under realm counterpart.
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