Kezdőoldal » Szórakozás » Játékok » Warframebe jöttek a ritka...

Warframebe jöttek a ritka tárgyak a Kuriák amit valami verset adnak a kérdés valaki letudja fordítani?

Figyelt kérdés

én nem tudok angolul és a netes fordítók meg hablatyot adnak ki

de ha valaki tud egy rendes fordítót az is jó lenne

2015. aug. 6. 13:37
 1/1 A kérdező kommentje:

A story once lost

Recovered by fate

The tale of two sisters

Who bore the same face

Born one quiet morning

Amidst the great war

All elders were gathered

For thus life's new dawn

Confused and bewildered

They judged them amiss

For they never witnessed

Two self same as these

A mirrored reflection

Had come into life

By will oft heir father

Kept safe from the knife

Their sameness was shunned

As salve like and soiled

They tended their strays

Rejected by all

As both girls matured

Their bond grew in depth

They had the same poise

Same senses, same strength

The uprising came

And spread like a weed

And army of copy men

Ferocius and free

And much like the sea

They came just like waves

For years they fought on

For years we remained

Like chisel to stone

War molded the twins

Who ravaged the hordes

Became legend to them

They had a deep strength

That came from each other

Unlike all these copies

Identical, but not brothers


They yearned for it too

If the twins could do it

Perhaps they could too

The twins had attained

Something more than a whole

A ture understanding

Of each other soul

The copies became believers

One by one bowed to the twins

And led forth by their new masters

They ravaged the colonies

Now a power to follow

Not a force to be fought

From the ashes of war

Twin queens ware wrought

ez a szöveg

2015. aug. 6. 13:38

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