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A Castle Clash-ben a mágiáknál az "ares frenzy" és a "phoenix flight" mit tud?

Figyelt kérdés
2015. márc. 6. 09:55
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:

Ares' bloodlust possesses friendly troops (including Heroes) in an area for 8 seconds, granting +20% ATK, ATK SPD, and MOV SPD. A useful magic, the boost in ATK and ATK speed by 60% gives an overall boost of 156%. This means if the player has 50 Griffin, the magic can effectively increase them to 128 griffins for 15 seconds. The timer starts when the troop enters the purple area. This Magic Spell, like Ares Fervor, affects Heroes.

Summons a Phoenix that flies across the battlefield for 10 seconds, randomly reviving 6 friendly troops in it's path (not Heroes). Guide the Phoenix by dragging your finger on the screen. This spell is one of the best companion to tier 3 troops. When fighting high might opponents, high level garrison tower with high level heroes inside is a big threat to heroes. To counter this kind of defense, one way is to send your Ornithopter and FD to destroy enemy towers first, then send out heroes and use Phoenix flight at proper time to revive the troops. Because the hiring time for tier 3 troops is very long, a player can always use this magic to save the time for recruiting troops.

Pontosan ezeket tudják

2015. márc. 6. 17:11
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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Kösz xd
2015. márc. 7. 10:21

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