Mit jelentenek ezek a rövidítések/kifejezések? Legtöbbszö. LoL-on ttalálkozok velük.

“Rekt”, also known as #rekt, is an Internet slang term which is shorthand for “wrecked,” which is often used in online gaming to indicate that someone has been defeated or embarassed, in a similar vein to the term “pwned”.
Rekt - legyőzted, elfoglaltad
worth - valami megéri, vagy éppen ellenkezőleg - poénból, ironikusan értve - pont nem éri meg valami.
wurf = worth
Worth: Worth (sometimes Wurth or Wurf) is a phrase often said when one dies in the process of achieving something, whether or not it actually was really worth it. Apparently the phrase started out with Phreak on the Lee Sin Champion Spotlight[13]. He turret dove Fiddlesticks at level 2, expending both his summoner spells in order to kill him, but still died in the process. He then said; “The turret kills me, but it was worth it, because I said so in chat”
vagy másik jelentése
WURF is a Wet Unicorn Rainbow Fart. Unicorn rainbow farts bring happiness and joy to all those that observe them, and wet ones are funny so therefore a Wurf is a funny happy joyous thing that can be used as a general purpose happy joy word, meaning to cheer up, exclaim the kind of mood one is in, or exhibit an overall sense of wellbeing.

rekt=csúnyán "megrépáztak" valakit
worth=ez adja magát mit jelent még csak nem is rövidítés jelentése megérte
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