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Ha steamen megveszem a postal 2-öt hozzá adják a módjaít is?

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AWP, eternal damnation, stb.... vagy csak a postal 2 share the pain-t adják vagy ha megvan a játék akkor letölthető a tartalom lesz mint a Left 4 Dead-ba a pályák meg a skinek?
2013. dec. 30. 20:25
 1/2 A kérdező kommentje:
Csak mert jó lenne tudni ha már fizetek érte mert régen meg volt nem eredetibe de nagy postal fan voltam akkor is de sot aok a kártyák jönnének jól meg am jó a game is
2013. dec. 30. 22:10
 2/2 anonim ***** válasza:

asszem a postal 2 complete van csak steamen és nem drága

Added A Week In Paradise (AWP)

A much requested feature was for us to add the updates from the very popular AWP mod into the base POSTAL 2 game. This means it is now possible to play POSTAL 2 and Apocalypse weekend in one playthrough. More than just a simple copy and paste, we have tweaked and improved many aspects of the game along the way.

The amount of vocal variety has been massively increased, including race specific dialogue.

5 new voice classes in total! Also adds more situational dialogue for NPC's such as seeing cats, and being on fire. There are even a few more Dude lines now too.

Dismemberment from Apocalypse weekend is now a feature of the entire game.

One of the best new features of the Apocalypse weekend expansion pack was the dismemberment feature, and we have now rolled it back to the entire campaign.

Added new weapons (from the Eternal Damnation total conversion) so now there are more weapons to GO POSTAL with:

Axe, Bali, Chainsaw, MP5, Knuckle dusters, Dynamite, Flame Thrower, Grenade Launcher, Glock, Sawn off Shotgun, Shears, Baseball bat

Greater variation in NPC and Zombie appearance.

NPC’s how carry bags, wear hats, shades and sport some funky hairdos. These are not the somewhat shabby one’s you saw in the original AWP mod but totally new ones made to a much higher standard. We have also included a much greater variation in Zombies, courtesy again of the Eternal Damnation modification.

Added 68 Steam Achievements!

There is also an in game achievement system for the benefit of future DRM free builds.

Improved widescreen compatibility, including tripled headed solutions.

The widescreen stretching and hud issues are now fixed, and we also made the effort to get ultra wide screen working correctly, should you own an Eyefinity/Surround/Triplehead set up.

Added the much requested FoV slider to the performance menu and V-sync to the video options.

Some minor visual updates.

You can now see through windows, how novel eh? plus some other things here and there.

Added launcher to give the ability to change settings before you start the game.

A small number of people were affected by a problem where the game would crash on launch unless the video settings matched the resolution of their desktop. This will allow users to set these options before they launch the game and save having to dig around configuration files. Furthermore it now allows access to the MP game via the desktop shortcut.

Added an option for micro-transactions!

You can now buy Champ new outfits for 10 bucks a piece, or pay for a 50 bucks season pass to obtain them all as they become available, before you've even seen what they are. Now you can really dress in style and so can Champ too! (Just kiddin’, but it shows the sad state of the industry when you probably half believed that whilst reading it.)

szóval AWP benne van de a többit nemtom de szerintem torrent és ne vedd meg semmivel sem ad többet steam

2014. márc. 8. 00:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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