Valaki letudja ezt fordítani? (SŰRGŐS)
Van egy játék,melyben úgy nevezett Piros Kockákat lehet összeszedni(lego star wars 3),és az egyiket hónapok óta próbáljuk összeszedni,viszont nem tudjuk,éppen ezért felkerestük az interneten a megoldást,a baj csak az,hogy angol.Et a szöveget kéne lefordítani:
How To Get: Free all the prisoners from the brig. You'll need to activate all the panels, which are outlined in the "Special Skills Needed" description above. After you free everyone, go into each cell, destroy the back wall panel, and use the Force to screw off the valve.
Előre is köszönöm a magam,és barátom nevében!

Kösike,örök hála :d
Ment a pacsi :D
Ezt is?Mert azzal sokra nem mentem :D Bocsika már csak ezt kéne:
It takes some work to collect this brick. Firstly, make sure you've completed the Naboo and Christophisis Ground Assault levels for the Republic side so that all of the jail cells in the brig are occupied. Next, take Robonino and a Sith character to the bridge and open all but the third jail cell with your combination of dark-side, charging and bounty hunter abilities. Go switch out for a Separatist droid and use the console to open the third cell. With all of them open, knock the back wall out of the first four to reveal valves inside, then use the dark-side to turn them, opening the hatch in the final cell with the Red Brick. This brick will award you with studs for destroying enemies and other characters.
ja és ezeket :D:
Bounty Hunter, Sith Force, Electric, TX-20
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