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Magyar Minecraft-ban benne van Herobrine?

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A magyarral játszom és eddig nem találkoztam vele. Tesóm meg azt állítja hogy látott valamit ami arra utal hogy létezik. (ő is a magyarral játszik) Nem tudom igazat beszélt-e vagy csak engem akart hülyíteni.

Ha még sincs benne Herobrine, akkor honnan tudnék letölteni egy modot amiben benne van?

2013. jan. 26. 10:59
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:
Az alapba,se a magyarban sincs benne,egyszerű mmitosz...csak azért mert az alpha verzioban láttak egy embert akinek nincs szeme..könnyen lehetet egyy másik player,avagy zombimob,elvileg van 2 olyan mod amiben bent van ,csak nek tudom mia neve
2013. jan. 26. 11:48
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 anonim ***** válasza:
ez nem kamu mod nélkül bug nélkül létezik én is látam söt egy barátom is tanusithatja szerveremen vadásztunk és egx recsegő hang a hátunk mögöt vol hero brine a haveromat megöte engem meg agyoncsapott a villám
2013. jan. 26. 19:34
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Nem létezik csak modban. Az egész egy photoshoppolt képből jön amihez valaki kitalált egy creepypastát.

Előző: Ambientből sok van és bárhol hallhatod bármikor mert elég hozzá egy 1x1x1-es block hiánya a közeledben. A villám már csapott belém.

2013. jan. 27. 22:58
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 trolll 2000 válasza:

az alsot nézd

minnecraft 1.8 - The Bountiful Update

+ Added Granite, Andesite, and Diorite stone blocks, with smooth versions

+ Added Slime Block

+ Added Iron Trapdoor

+ Added Prismarine and Sea Lantern blocks

+ Added the Ocean Monument

+ Added Red Sandstone

+ Added Banners

+ Added Armor Stands

+ Added Coarse Dirt (dirt where grass won’t grow)

+ Added Guardian mobs, with item drops

+ Added Endermite mob

+ Added Rabbits, with item drops

+ Added Mutton and Cooked Mutton

+ Villagers will harvest crops and plant new ones

+ Mossy Cobblestone and Mossy Stone Bricks are now craftable

+ Chiseled Stone Bricks are now craftable

+ Doors and fences now come in all wood type variants

+ Sponge block has regained its water-absorbing ability and becomes wet

+ Added a spectator game mode (game mode 3)

+ Added one new achievement

+ Added “Customized” world type

+ Added hidden “Debug Mode” world type

+ Worlds can now have a world barrier

+ Added @e target selector for Command Blocks

+ Added /blockdata command

+ Added /clone command

+ Added /execute command

+ Added /fill command

+ Added /particle command

+ Added /testforblocks command

+ Added /title command

+ Added /trigger command

+ Added /worldborder command

+ Added /stats command

+ Containers can be locked in custom maps by using the “Lock” data tag

+ Added logAdminCommands, showDeathMessages, reducedDebugInfo, sendCommandFeedback, and randomTickSpeed game rules

+ Added three new statistics

+ Player skins can now have double layers across the whole model, and left/right arms/legs can be edited independently

+ Added a new player model with smaller arms, and a new player skin called Alex?

+ Added options for configuring what pieces of the skin that are visible

+ Blocks can now have custom visual variations in the resource packs

+ Minecraft Realms now has an activity chart, so you can see who has been online

+ Minecraft Realms now lets you upload your maps

* Difficulty setting is saved per world, and can be locked if wanted

* Enchanting has been redone, now costs lapis lazuli in addition to enchantment levels

* Villager trading has been rebalanced

* Anvil repairing has been rebalanced

* Considerable faster client-side performance

* Max render distance has been increased to 32 chunks (512 blocks)

* Adventure mode now prevents you from destroying blocks, unless your items have the CanDestroy data tag

* Resource packs can now also define the shape of blocks and items, and not just their textures

* Scoreboards have been given a lot of new features

* Tweaked the F3 debug screen

* Block ID numbers (such as 1 for stone), are being replaced by ID names (such as minecraft:stone)

* Server list has been improved

* A few minor changes to village and temple generation

* Mob heads for players now show both skin layers

* Buttons can now be placed on the ceiling

* Lots and lots of other changes

* LOTS AND LOTS of other changes

- Removed Herobrine

2015. dec. 20. 09:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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