A Call of Duty 5 miért írja ki mindig, hogy APPCRASH? És utána ez írja ki:
Creating Direct3D queries...
Loading fastfile 'code_post_gfx'
used 1.13 MB memory in DB alloc
Loading fastfile 'ui'
used 39.48 MB memory in DB alloc
Setting initial state...
DirectX reports 256 MB of video memory and 1148 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 240 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 1 on normal maps, and 1 on specular maps
Error: Could not load material "water_droplet".
Error: Could not load material "water_dynamic_spray".
------- sound system initialization -------
Waiting for $init to finish. There may be assets missing from code_post_gfx.
Error during initialization:
Unhandled exception caught
Mert nem szereti a 256MB-os videokarit,512-es az igénye.
Az appcrash az más tészta: [link]
DirectX reports 256 MB of video memory and 1148 MB of available texture memory.
Én csak ebből tudok kiindulni mivel nem vagyok látnok.Ha elolvasod a linket akkor rájössz hogy nem ez a legnagyobb problémád.

Újra raktam a CoD WaW-t és utána már csak ezt írja ki:
Waited 0 msec for asset '$glare_blind' of type 'material'.
Waited 0 msec for asset '$line_nodepth' of type 'material'.
Waited 43 msec for asset 'light_corona' of type 'material'.
Waited 5 msec for asset 'clear_alpha' of type 'material'.
Waited 2 msec for asset 'shadowcookieoverlay' of type 'material'.
Waited 272 msec for asset 'shadowcaster' of type 'material'.
Waited 6 msec for asset 'shadowoverlay' of type 'material'.
Waited 160 msec for asset 'cinematic' of type 'material'.
Error: Waited 338 msec for missing asset "water_droplet".
Error: Could not load material "water_droplet".
Error: Could not load material "water_dynamic_spray".
Loading fastfile 'ui'
used 39.48 MB memory in DB alloc
------- sound system initialization -------
Error during initialization:
Unhandled exception caught
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