Battlefield Play4Free hiba! Itt a megoldás, de hogy csináljam ezt meg? (INFO LENT)
Helló! Szeretnék játszani a Battlefield Play4Free nevű játékkal, de amikor belépek azt írja: 1002: ErrAccountLogin ez valami hiba, itt a megoldás angolul hogyan küszöbölhetném ki, de én ebből semmit se értek, valaki le tudná nekem fordítani magyarra, vagy elmagyarázni mi hol van?
Oke, hello there, here is a list of possible solutions i've tried to get rid of the login errors.
I diddn'd figure it out yet and i still can't play the game, so if someone has an other solution that may fix my problem, please let me know!
If you have problems signing in on the EA-servers or stating the game, follow the following steps.
1 - You might have not completed your registration to 100%, open the following link and complete it to 100% and the game might work. [link]
2- Go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, right-click on "Command Prompt" and select "Run As Administrator". In the window that comes up, type the following command:
netsh int tcp set global ecncapability=disabled
3- Forwarding your routerports may help. Check on this site how to open your ports [link]
Then forward the following ports:
Web site – you need these to log into the web site and launch the game: TCP 80 TCP 443
Backend Magic – you need these to get into the front end and choose your soldier (if these don’t work, you get Error 1002): TCP 18270 TCP 18275 TCP 18061 TCP 18065 TCP 18051 TCP 18055
4- Some gamers use Peer Guardian wich might block the EA ip's. Turn it off or add the EA ip and there you go
5- You can try to delete the hostfile in system32/drivers/etc/hosts or writing an "#" in front of every command (only the ones which contains: #, this should look like:
or something like this ..
6- You can try to turn off your firewall and/or other anti-virus software to try it again.
Non off these worked out for me but for the one's i get online with this post, "cheers" and good luck on the game. If you have another solution that might help me getting online please let me know, i'm desperate to play the game now, maybe EA can come up with a fix or update!
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