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A Teen Wolf-ban mit jelent Derek hátán a tetkó?

Figyelt kérdés

2015. dec. 26. 12:36
 1/6 anonim ***** válasza:
A bosszú szimbóluma.
2015. dec. 26. 12:37
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/6 A kérdező kommentje:

Az nem Derek hátán van. Én erre gondoltam :


2015. dec. 26. 12:48
 3/6 anonim ***** válasza:

The triskelion is an ancient symbol with wide and varied meanings and usage around the planet.

It seems similar to The Spiral used to signify vendetta/revenge by werewolf packs.

Boyd points out in Season 2 that the symbol means different things to different people. It might mean past, present and future or mother, father, child. Derek says, for him, the symbol stands for the three types of werewolves - Alpha, Beta and Omega. He says it reminds him that while we can rise we can also fall, a Beta becoming an Alpha or an Alpha falling back down to Omega status.

Talia Hale used a cheap metal disk imprinted with a triskelion to help each of her children learn to control their shifts during the full moon.

In the real world, the triskele is widely considered a Celtic symbol, though it is pre-Celtic in origin and can in fact be found in numerous ancient cultures. Derek's version - a continuous swirl - is most likely meant to represent the traditional Celtic triskele. The symbol has a variety of meanings: the stages of life and progress through life (action, moving forward, etc), reincarnation (connoted by the continuous, connected, spiral), the three realms (sky, earth, water), and, most appropriately, the phases of the moon (new, half, full).

2015. dec. 26. 12:50
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/6 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszi :)
2015. dec. 26. 12:56
 5/6 anonim ***** válasza:

Alfa, béta, omega

Azt jelképezi, hogy egyikről a másikba is eshetnek. Alfákból lehetnek béták. Bétákból lehetnek alfák és alfákból is lehetnek omegák.

2016. jan. 17. 20:45
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/6 A kérdező kommentje:
2016. jan. 18. 19:01

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