Mit írt Musztafa herceg Szulejmánnak ekkor?
Mikor kivégzik a szultán talál nála egy levelet annak mi a tartalma?

Üdv. Ha még érdekel, én angolul megszereztem, de most nincs kedvem fordítgatni, ha kell, később megcsinálom.
I am leaving this cruel world where a father kills his own child to you. I choose to die as an oppressed person in place of being someone who's plotting against his father's live for good fortune and power. Maybe my name will not be written in the golden pgaes of history like yours. No one will talk about mine voices. I will not have a throne ruling the world. Moreover chronicles will write that I'm a betrayer and a rebellious sehzade. So be it, let them write. Let them hide the thing from people what Allah knows. A day will come and people will tell the story of the wronged ones to. Maybe years, maybe hundreds of years later someone will tell my story. Someone will hear me and will learn the truth. And that day justice will return to the oppressed person.
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