A Hannibál sorozatban mit szimbólumizál a szarvas?

Az előttem szólónak igaza van, a nagymesterünk Bryan Fuller többször nyilatkozott már a témában. :)
"We're going to see the Stag Man, the Windego; but the stag it feels like we're looking for what our next kind of psychological symbol is because if that was about their relationship in season 1 and season 2 and he watched it die, it feels like it should die and be born again as something else."
"The stag is really representative of Will's first exposure to Hannibal Lecter because he saw, in that field, Cassie Boyle impaled on a severed stag head," Fuller said to Seat 42F, explaining how the stag came around in the first place. "In his mind, the psychology of that is essentially he's seeing the stag with the ravens picking at the corpse [and] everything gets blended in his psychology and comes up with the self-conscious image of the stag."
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