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Star Trekben vagy a Doctor Whoban volt a másik sorozatra utalás?

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Elég régiek, mindkettő "nagyöreg", iszonyatos rajongótáborral. Volt valami kiszólás vagy valami képi ínyencfalat elrejtve valamelyik részben?

2014. márc. 15. 16:27
 1/7 CukorHero ***** válasza:
Volt egy rész a Doctor Whoban aminek az volt a címe, hogy záróra.Abban a Craig (akihez elment a doki) nem hitte el, hogy létezik teleport és azt mondta :"Egy nagy star trekk teleport vezet az űrhajóra?!"Nem tudom, hogy erre gondoltál-e de azért remélem,hogy tudtam segíteni.
2014. márc. 15. 22:07
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 2/7 anonim válasza:
Az összes Star Trek epizódot többször is láttam, de nem emlékszem a Doctor Whora való utalásra.
2014. márc. 16. 15:43
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 3/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Angoltudas kell de:


Star Trek has referenced Doctor Who on a few occasions. In "The Naked Now" Riker asks for a sonic driver to open a force field, a reference to the sonic screwdriver used by the Doctor to open doors and force fields throughout the Doctor Who franchise. In "The Neutral Zone", an on-screen graphic of Clare Raymond's family listed William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davidson, and Colin Baker among her descendants. These are, in order, the actors who played the first six Doctors. ("Peter Davidson" is a misspelling of the name of Fifth Doctor actor Peter Davison.) At the time that "The Neutral Zone" was filmed, Sylvester McCoy had been cast as the Seventh Doctor, but few of his stories had been aired in the United States.

This on-screen graphic has been removed from the Blu-Ray release of this story and the actors' names (as well as those of Kermit T. Frog, Miss Piggy, Lou Grant and Mary Richards) and replaced with a much more realistic family tree for Clare Reymond's descendents.

The Argolis Cluster, first mentioned in "I Borg", was named after the planet Argolis, seen in the 1980 Doctor Who serial "The Leisure Hive".

In "Threshold", when Tom Paris begins mutating into a new life form after crossing the threshold and achieving warp 10, a scan shows him to have two hearts. The Doctor and the Time Lords have two hearts.

Time travel pod (31st century) launch bay

The time-travel pod seen in "Future Tense" was influenced by the TARDIS from Doctor Who

The time-travel pod encountered by the Enterprise NX-01 in "Future Tense" was influenced by the TARDIS, the time machine from Doctor Who. Specifically, the interior of the TARDIS is larger than its exterior (or "dimensionally transcendental"), and the time-travel pod was also bigger on the inside than on the outside. The exterior of the TARDIS is in the shape of a British police box and Mike Sussman, co-writer of "Future Tense", noted: "My idea of the ship morphing into a police call box was immediately nixed by the producers!" (Star Trek Monthly issue 108)

As long-running science fiction franchises, both share many similarities which are not specific references. There is a similarity between the Borg and the Cybermen, the popular race of emotionless cyborg monsters who debuted in the 1966 serial "The Tenth Planet", and likewise between the Klingons and the warrior race the Sontarans. The Hierarchy species also bear strong physical resemblance to the Sontarans. Both also feature major characters known only as "the Doctor" and a time vortex as a method of time travel. In 2013, the episode "The Name of the Doctor" introduced a previously unknown, apparently suppressed incarnation of the Doctor, much as DS9 revealed Joran Dax, a suppressed past "incarnation" of Dax in "Equilibrium".

es ez csak egy resz az oldalrol ;)

2014. ápr. 2. 17:00
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 4/7 A kérdező kommentje:
Régen láttam, de úgy dereng, hogy Rose a Doktort Mr. Spockként mutatja be valahol. Ez tényleg úgy volt, vagy én emlékszem rosszul?
2014. ápr. 7. 18:06
 5/7 anonim ***** válasza:
Jol emlekszel, elso evad 9.epizod.
2014. ápr. 9. 01:32
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 6/7 anonim ***** válasza:
Volt egy rész, az 50.évfordulóra,ahol nem a Star Trekre volt,hanem Dick Van Dyke-ra volt utalás.
2014. ápr. 24. 06:27
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 7/7 anonim ***** válasza:
A DW-ben elég sok van, a Star Treket nem tudom. Viszont nemrég megjelent egy crossover-képregény, amiben a Tizenegyedik doktor+Amy+Rory összefutnak a TNG legénységével. A címe asszem Assimilation 2.0 vagy ilyesmi.
2014. jún. 20. 21:44
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