A star-warsban, ha tudnak lézerkardot csinálni, miért nem tudták megoldani, hogy Darth Vader ne röhögjön?

Mert Lucas-ék kicsit több mint 30 évvel ezelőtt úgy gondolták, hogy a gonosznak legyen ronda hangja!

1. Az fénykard.
2. Vader nem hörög, hanem a légcserélőnek van ilyen hangja.
Valóban, mint negatív karakter, ezzel is a félelmetes és ellenszenves mivoltát hangsúlyozta ki Lucas.

Miért kéne egy lélegeztetőgépnek hangtalannak lennie?
A fénykardnak is van hangja, az űrhajóknak is, a robotok motorjainak is, stb. Csendes gép alapvetően nem létezik.
Csak azért, mert technikailag fejlett berendezésről van szó, attól még lehet benne mozgó alkatrész, mechanika, ami adhat ki hangot működés közben. Vader lélegeztetője pl. egy bonyolult légcserélő és szűrő, amiben pl. szelepek mozognak, a belélegzett levegőt átszűrik egy sor filteren, majd a kilégzéskor is hasonlóképp távozik. Nem nagyon értem a problémát :)
Ha tudsz angolul, akkor itt a leírása a lélegeztető rendszernek:
Vader's helmet was the center of the life-support system. It was fitted with an air pump, which was connected to a flat filter system worn on Vader's back. Together, the backpack and the air pump continuously cycled purified air through Vader's ravaged lungs. A small, back-up air-processing filter was located in his distinctive mouth grill, which also doubled as a respiratory intake system. Vader's life-support system also included a chest-worn, computerized control panel unit that regulated his respiratory functions. From this chest panel, a thick cable entered his torso, linking to a breathing apparatus and heartbeat regulator. The ventilator was implanted in his terribly scarred chest, along with tubes that ran directly into his damaged lungs, and others that entered his burned throat, so that should the chest plate or belt control panels develop a glitch, he could breathe unassisted air for a limited time out of his mouth, which had not been burned to the extent of his throat.
A belt-mounted function box housed the respiratory sensor matrix responsible for controlling Vader's breathing. Using it, Vader could easily adjust the controls on his armor to increase or decrease his supply of oxygen. Vader, having his suit and breathing apparatus installed for the first time Vader's breathing was machine-regulated, but his pace of breathing quickened during physical exertion and could be overridden by involuntary emotional reactions. The respirator slowed down or sped up in response to changes in his remaining body's functions, but Vader was unable to stop it or hold his breath, nor could he slow it. Vader's breather functioned even while Vader was speaking. However, he must have used some kind of dampener or otherwise tinkered with the suit by 3 ABY, as he was able to surprise Luke Skywalker in a dark passage near the carbon-freezing chamber on Bespin. Vader's ambush was only possible because he could temporarily quiet his loud breathing.
Lord Vader's breather was seriously damaged by Force lightning during his struggle with the Emperor. Although it continued to operate to some extent, the sound of the mechanism was reduced to a strained rasp, implying that the respirator was broken. The labored breathing sound persisted until his final unmasking.
His signature, labored mechanical breathing was the sound of the iron lung Vader was forced to wear. The med droids that had made the suit had inserted the redundant breathing tubes low enough so that, with the aid of an enunciator, his scorched vocal cords could still form sounds and words through a voice synthesizer in the mask. Absent from the enunciator in Vader's mouth grill, which imparted a synthetic bass tone, his own voice was little more than a whisper. Though limited by what the respirator could do, Vader could still make his respirator approximate a laugh or a sigh.
Vader was able to speak even when unmasked shortly before the destruction of the second Death Star. The weakness of his voice was probably partly due to his breathing difficulty and the internal mortal wounds and damage to his cybernetic systems inflicted by the Emperor.

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