Értitek, hogy lett a Született feleségekben Dana-ból Zack?

De miért adott lány nevet neki az anyja? Lehetséges ez egyáltalán? Ha én Jancsikának akarom elnevezni a kislányomat, azt hagynák nekem? Nah érdekes..
köszi a válaszokat azért!

Born Dana Taylor in Bountiful, Utah (Zachary Young) was the child of Deirdre Taylor and Mike Delfino. Mike left Deirdre pregnant with his son Dana (Zach) when he went to prison for 5 and a half years. Deirdre did not want her son to be raised by her father Noah so she fled to Utah just to have the baby. She gave birth at Dorothy Drake Rehabilitation Center in June of 1989 in Utah. Dana (Zach) is believed to be greatly affected by the black tar heroin his mother's addiction subjected him to for 9 months in utero because he has a chemical imbalance today resulting in his emotional violent outbursts. Deirdre gave up her son to support her drug addiction, selling him to Angela for all the money she had in her house. Shortly thereafter, Angela and her husband moved to Fairview and changed their names to Mary Alice and Paul. Three years later, Deirdre (now clean and sober) attempts to take Dana back. But when Mary Alice and Paul refuse to give Dana to her she attacks Paul and hits him over the head with a large fireplace poker and tells Mary Alice she will give Dana a good home. She goes for Mary Alice but Mary Alice grabs for a knife nearby and stabs Deirdre who then falls to floor and dies. Mary Alice goes upstairs and takes Dana's toychest which wakes the young boy up. She takes it downstairs and tells Paul they need to fit her in the chest and put her in the box at that moment Dana comes downstairs and sees his mother lying there dead.
He found love in the form of Julie Mayer who befriended him. Zach eventually got her to agree to let him stay in her bedroom after he had escaped from a juvenile rehabilitation center. This innocent infatuation turned into a strong obsession, and he was dumped by Julie. Early in the show's first season, Zach was disturbed with visions of killing his younger sister, Dana. However, later it was discovered that Zach's original name was "Dana".

Dana fiúnév. És lehet lány is. Figyelj: Dana as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Dana), is pronounced DAY-nah. The meaning of Dana is "from Denmark". Also possibly a place name referring to an English river. Also variant of Daniel or Dane. Surname first used as a boy's name in the 19th century. In
1840 Boston writer Richard Henry Dana, Jr. published the maritime classic "Two Years Before the Mast", about his voyage in a sailing ship around Cape Horn to California. Artist Charles Dana Gibson; actor Dana Carvey.
Dana has 2 variant forms: Dane and Danie.
Baby names that sound like Dana are Dan, Dann, Danya and Dani.
Popularity of Dana
Dana is a very popular first name for men (#314 out of 1220) and also a very popular surname or last name for all people (#7161 out of 88799). (1990 U.S. Census)

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