A professzor a Money Heist-ból hogy került az Idő Kerekébe?

Azt ugye tudod, hogy abban a sorozatban szinte senki se amerikai?
Rosamund Pike, Barney Harris és Marcus Rutherford brit, Madeleine Madden ausztrál, Josha Stradowski holland, Zoë Robins új-zélandi, stb.

Fontosabb kérdések:
miért lett a fehér főszereplőkből nem fehér?
miért írták át teljesen a történetet?
mi értelme 8 részekbe belezsúfolni 2-3 könyvet, mikor a hasonló hosszúságú GOT-könyveknél inkább még sokkal több időt szántak a szereplőkre?
miért tettek bele undorító káromkodásokat, mikor ennek az ellenkezője igaz a könyvekre?
stb., stb., stb.

"miért lett a fehér főszereplőkből nem fehér?"
Részben diverzitás miatt, részben pedig azért, mert Andorban élnek. Andorban élnek sötét bőrűek. A nemesi házak részben abban mérik a jogukat az oroszlán trónra, hogy mennyire hasonlítanak az első andori dinasztiára, akik fekete bőrűek voltak, az első andori királynő vére erős, stb.
"miért írták át teljesen a történetet?
mi értelme 8 részekbe belezsúfolni 2-3 könyvet, mikor a hasonló hosszúságú GOT-könyveknél inkább még sokkal több időt szántak a szereplőkre?"
Nincs teljesen átírva, max módosítások vannak. Eddig lényegében ugyanaz történt, ami a könyvben. Nekem sem tetszett az opening jelenet pl., mert teljesen random volt, de megértem, hogy miért nem akarták megmutatni a könyves openinget. A könyvben egyszerűbb volt elrejteni, hogy ez egy poszt-apokaliptikus világ, ha a sorozatban a legelején ellövik, hogy a civilizáció honnan hova zuhant vissza, akkor későbbi fordulatokat/drámákat lőnek le előre. Mutathatták volna Lews Therint, de akkor a háttérnek tükröznie kellett volna azt a high-tech, űrutazó társadalmat, amiben élt. Az ilyen flashback dolgokat szerintem az Aiel plotline-ra tartogatják majd a sivatagban.
Azt pedig nem vettem észre, hogy több könyvet zsúfolnának össze. Max az új tavaszból lennek benne részek, de más nem hiszem.
Káromkodtak a sorozatban? Erre nem emlékszek, igaz eddig csak egyszer néztem meg.

Ha ők nem fehérek:
"She [Egwene] wore red wildroses twined in her hair, flowing about her shoulders. She held her cloak close, dark blue and embroidered along the edge with a thin line of white flowers in the Shienaran fashion, and the blossoms made a line straight up to her face. They were no paler than her cheeks; her eyes seemed so large and dark."
'[Egwene's] face went as white as snow'
'Egwene's cheeks turning pink'
'Now, except for her [Egwene's] big dark eyes, she could almost have passed as an Aiel woman, and not only for her tanned face and hands.'
'to hide her [Egwene's] crimson face'
'Her [Egwene's] face was still red, yet already it looked…
Not until she was sure that her face was no longer red. There seemed a strong resemblance between her bottom and a blazing fireplace right at that moment. Yet looking into the mirror, she saw an unruffled face. Red-cheeked, but calm.'
if Elayne blushed like a sunset, Nynaeve blushed for two'
'Nynaeve said in a stiff voice. The red still colored her face.'
'Spots of color blooming in Nynaeve’s cheeks told him he had hit the mark squarely.'
'Nynaeve’s deep brown eyes stared through her. Her knuckles were white on a thick braid as dark as Birgitte’s was golden, and her face had gone beyond pale to a faint green.'
'Nynaeve's face went white.'
'Slowly Nynaeve’s face turned purple'
'Nynaeve’s face flashed pure scarlet'
'Nynaeve's face had gone white'
'Nynaeve's face was a white mask of determination'
'Nynaeve's face paled for a moment'
'Nynaeve's face went white'
'That insufferable smile slid greasily off Nynaeve's face, replaced by bright spots of color in her cheeks.'
'Nynaeve went pale'
'Perrin blushed very red'
'Mat and Perrin, with their faces white'
'Mat's face paled'
'Mat's face reddened'
'Startled, he [Perrin] stared at her, then at his own bare chest. It was a mass of color, the newer, purple blotches overlaying older ones faded into shades of brown and yellow. The purple splotches faded to brown, and the brown and yellow paled, some disappearing altogether.'
'Cenn's face went red as a beet'
'Siuan half-raised a hand to her throat; a tiny line of red on the fair skin marked where his blade had rested.'
'A pinkness in her [Siuan's] cheeks gave her away, though.'
'The redness spread to cover nearly Siuan’s whole face; with her fair skin, it made her look like a sunset.'
(Elayne blushed like a sunset,
Nynaeve blushed for two;
Nynaeve’s face as it reddened to shame two sunsets. Maybe three;
Ten sunsets would not have done for Mat's face; Fiery sunsets paled beside Aviendha’s face;
Reanne blushed a sunset [Reanne swayed, white-faced])
'Nynaeve saw faces as pale as that of any Andorman [main characters are from Andor] and as dark as that of any of the Sea Folk.'
'Swallowing, she [Aviendha] turned back more swiftly than she had turned away. She thought her cheeks must be greener than Nynaeve’s had been.'
'This far north in Altara, they were fair rather than olive-complected, and some even had blue eyes, but all stumbled along in a daze.'
Pedron Niall: 'A gray-eyed youth with reddish hair. He looked tall, but it was hard to say for certain. Aside from the hair and the eyes, he could have been set down in any town without exciting comment.'
Edorion who is described as pink-cheeked and plump (Mat's pov, Rand's pov), then he is still pink-cheeked but not quite so plump as he had been (Rand's pov), then he became harder and sun-dark since coming north (Mat's pov), and according to Tuon Edorion is a dark, lean man.
The only sound was the scritching of pen on paper and a man’s dry persistent cough.
The clerk who was coughing, a smooth-faced fellow younger than Perrin who, by his face, might have come from the Two Rivers, began hacking more roughly, and covered his mouth with a hand. He cleared his throat loudly, but the harsh cough returned.
What remained of the fellow was a pale flat thing inside his clothes, like a wineskin that had been emptied.
Two of the fellows could have been from Andor or Murandy or even the Two Rivers, but the third had eyes tilted like a Saldaean’s, and his skin was the color of honey.
"A Lugard girl, she came to town, to see what she could see.
With a wink of her eye, and a smile on her lip,
she snagged a boy or three, or three.
With an ankle slim, and skin so pale,
Seaine’s mouth tightened and spots of color flared in her cheeks
'slanted eyes' kifejezés a TGH-ban fordul elő először.

A sorozatban meg nem azok. Miért kéne annak lenniük? Andorban ez teljesen természetes. Nem kell betűről betűre megvalósítani mindent.
Az egyetlen személy, akinél számít a kinézet, az Rand.

Vagy hozzam elő a mindenki által ismert listát, amelyben Robert Jordan saját maga írja le, hogy
Egwene: Audrey Hepburn at age 18
Nynaeve: a young Jacqueline Bisset
stb., stb.
M ert ha ők nem fehérek, akkor kik?
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