Dalokat írok valakinek ez tetszik?
Tudom nem vagyok a legjobb benne de tényleg próbálkozom.Szeretek a szövegekbe történeteket írni
Ez például anyukámról szól
she was the beauty of high school
she had em red dresses while going to school
having all the boys hangin around with her
while she has 2 best friends
they were going through the aisle
holding each other is hands
everyone was so jealous of them
they got em love letters
sittin at their desk
saying i love you baby
throwing it in the trash
while they see the teachers with
the judging faces
but they didn't care
some weeks pass by and you met a guy
you guys were having fun at a party
dancing and holding each other is hand that night
she didn't know oh she didn't know that it was
her next mistake
you already rejected a guy
who wants you to kiss and marry with no goodbye
you smiled and said
oh my little baby
i cant say yes
oh my little baby
you should go home today
you didn't know who you fell in love with
that your next years gonna be so cruel
you get married because you were forced to
then the day that was suppose the best day of your life people can see the sadness in your eyes
and u still didn't know what comes next
you gave birth
to 2 sons while ur life
were breaking apart
got the bruises on your hands on your legs
you had enough
oh you were scared enough
and you gone with the chance
when u saw him with another girl
u got away,u were pushing him away
then u met another guy at 37
and it had changed ur life
for the first day u went with a coffee
he called you lovely
u were smiling
and thinking in ur head sayin
my new chapter began
now you are 44
he be 40 soon
and both of u still drinking the same coffee that you drank on your very best day

Azt nem értem, mitől lenne ez dal.
Ez egy önéletrajz töredéke, egy szimpla szöveg, sok enterrel értelmetlenül darabokra szaggatva.
Semmi rendszer, semmi ritmus, semmi rím, semmi nem fedezhető fel benne, amitől egy dalszöveg dalszöveg.
Ez semmi.

Már bocs, de NEM "dalokat írsz", hanem "texts you write".
Kinek írod? Szegény édesanyádnak?
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