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Melyik NEM szerelmes számnak tetszik legjobban a szövege?

Figyelt kérdés
lehetőleg angol. Mindegy miért, lehet aranyos, elgondolkodtató vagy bármi.
2010. júl. 20. 11:39
 1/7 anonim ***** válasza:

When the blood dries in my vains and my

Heart feels no more pain

I know, I'll be on my way,

To heavens door,

I know when I'm not,

i'll be hoping i don't drop,

To a place where I will rise, like before,

I know when I'm not,

i'll be hoping i don't drop,

To a place where I will rise, like before,

I can feel, something happening

that I've never felt before

Hopeless dreaming will start,

Dragging me away from heavens door

I can feel, something happening

that I've never felt before

Hopeless dreaming will start,

Dragging me away from heavens door

When my mind stops thinking,

My eyes stop blinking,

I hope

Somebodys there.

And my heart stops beating

and my lungs stop breathing

in air,

I hope somebody cares,

When the blood dries in my veins and my

Heart feels no more pain

I know, I'll be on my way,

To heavens door,

I know when I'm not,

i'll be hoping i don't drop,

To a place where I will rise, like before,

I know when I'm not,

i'll be hoping i don't drop,

To a place where I will rise, like before,

I can feel, something happening

that I've never felt before

Hopeless dreams will start,

Dragging me away from heavens door

When my mind stops thinking,

My eyes stop blinking,

I hope

Somebodys there.

And my heart stops beating

and my lungs stop breathing

in air,

I hope somebody cares,

When my mind stops thinking

My eyes stop blinking

I know

At the end.

2010. júl. 20. 11:49
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/7 A kérdező kommentje:
köszi ez nagyon jó :)
2010. júl. 20. 12:12
 3/7 anonim válasza:

I was born in ashes of molten hatred

Raised by the demons in abodes of the end

The reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path

Wrecked by mangled wounds of life I have become

The resurrection of the evil one

YÂ’know that I don't fucking care If I live or die

I need a bishop preaching fire to get away with my sins

I despise everything I see

Ain't got respect for humanity

Never lived or wanted immortality

The reaper's scythe I fall upon to obscure my path

Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed

You motherfuckas just leave me be

Ya could never give me cure for the pain I feel inside

I need a bishop preaching fire to get away with my sins

I despise everything I see

I donÂ’t give a fuck if you HATE ME!

Led by the reaper I walk in the night

Show me the way to your kingdom come


I believe in Armageddon, I've been baptised in alcohol

I'm embodiment of antichrist

I'm living for my own demise


I was born in ashes of molten hatred

Raised by the demons in abodes of the end

The reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path

Wrecked by mangled wounds of life I have become

The resurrection of the evil one

YÂ’know that I don't fucking care if I live or die

I need a bishop preaching fire to get away with my sins

I despise everything I see

I donÂ’t give a fuck if you HATE ME!


Led by the reaper I walk in the night

Show me the way to you kingdom come


I believe in Armageddon, I've been baptised in alcohol

IÂ’ve been baptised in alcohol

I'm living for my own demise

If you HATE ME!

2010. júl. 20. 12:18
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/7 anonim ***** válasza:
Juu masodik, Bodom rulez:)
2010. júl. 20. 12:37
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/7 anonim válasza:
A kérdés irója csak azt kötötte ki, hogy ne legyen szerelmes. Hát a Hate Me! a Bodomtól eléggé teljesíti a kritériumot. :)
2010. júl. 20. 20:58
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Why, you wanna tell me how to live my life?

Who, are you to tell me if it's black or white?

Mama, can you help me try to understand.

Is innocence the difference between a boy and a man.

My daddy lived a lie, that's just the price that he paid.

Sacrificed his life, just slaving away.

Oh, if there is one thing I hang on to,

That gets me through the night.

I ain't gonna do what I don't want to,

I'm gonna live my life.

Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,

Standing on the ledge, I'll show the wind how to fly.

When the world gets in my FACE,

I say, Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day-ay-ay

Take a look around you, nothing´s what it seems

We're living in a broken home of hopes and dreams,

Let me be the first to shake a helping hand.

Anybody, brave enough to take a stand,

I've knocked on every door, on every dead-end street,

Looking for forgiveness and what's left to believe

Oh, if there is one thing I hang on to,

That gets me through the night.

I ain't gonna do what I don't want to,

I'm gonna live my life.

Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,

Standing on the ledge, I'll show the wind how to fly.

When the world gets in my face,

I say, Have A Nice Day

Have A Nice Day-ay-ay.

(Guitar Solo)

Oh oh , if there is one thing I hang onto,

That gets me through the night.

I ain't gonna do what I don't want to,

I'm gonna live my life.

Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,

Standing on the ledge, I'll show the wind how to fly.

When the world gets in my face,

I say, Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day-ay-ay.

(in the background)

(Have A Nice Day)

When The world keeps trying to drag me down,

Gotta raise my hands, gonna stand my ground.

I say, hey, Have A Nice Day-ay-ay.

Have A Nice Day

a klippet is érdemes megnézni...oltári :)

ja, és ha NEM szerelmes szám, akkor Guns N Roses: Back off :D xD


2010. júl. 22. 18:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 7/7 anonim ***** válasza:
ezt!!!! Igen jó! Régi nagy zene! :D
2011. dec. 28. 21:06
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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