Hashtag # mire valo LUA ban és hogyan hasznaljuk?

Nem egészen.
A "hashtag" arra való, hogy visszaadja egy string hosszát vagy egy table elemeinek számát.
tbl = {1, 20, "str"}
str = "szoveg"
print(#tbl) -- eredmeny 3
print(#str) -- eredmeny 6
Gyakorlatilag egy rövidítés a table.maxn(tbl) és a string.len(str)-nek.
Remélem segítettem.
Itt lattam:
Useful features
I make a behavior that takes into account the # subsequent object name when handle acquisition
When you get an object handle in simGetObjectHandle ('Object_name'), in the case marked with "# numeric value" to the script name and then treated as if there is a "# numeric value" to 'Object_nam'e.
In other words in the following scene
the script of dodai # 0
If description and you can get the object handle of joint # 0 of the children of dodai # 0. This is similar to "# numeric value" with the object of each of the different numerical value even if made in a parent-child relationship.
Thanks to this, is born Mawaseru advantage of using the same script without having to duplicate object names when you copy.
If you if how to write, including the "# numeric value" as explicitly simGetObjectHandle ('Object_name # 1'), you will get a object handle that you specified, regardless of the script name.
usefull futurenel:
Remelem angolul jelenik meg mert japan az oldal erededileg.
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