Mi a különbség a kettő között?
Unityben a Local space and world space között.
Ez a leírás róla a könyvben de nem megy a fejembe.
El tudnátok magyarázni,hogy mit akar ezzel a leírással közölni velem az író:
Local space versus world space
A crucial concept to begin looking at is the difference between local space and world
space. In any 3D package, the world you will work in is technically infinite, and it
can be difficult to keep track of the location of objects within it. In every 3D world,
there is a point of origin, often referred to as the 'origin' or 'world zero', as it is
represented by the position (0,0,0).
All world positions of objects in 3D are relative to world zero. However, to make
things simpler, we also use local space (also known as object space) to define object
positions in relation to one another. These relationships are known as parent-child
relationships. In Unity, parent-child relationships can be established easily by
dragging one object onto another in the Hierarchy. This causes the dragged object
to become a child, and its coordinates from then on are read in terms relative to the
parent object. For example, if the child object is exactly at the same world position as
the parent object, its position is said to be (0,0,0), even if the parent position is not at
world zero.
Local space assumes that every object has its own zero point, which is the point
from which its axes emerge. This is usually the center of the object, and by creating
relationships between objects, we can compare their positions in relation to one
another. Such relationships, known as parent-child relationships, mean that we
can calculate distances from other objects using local space, with the parent object's
position becoming the new zero point for any of its child objects.
This is especially important to bear in mind when working on art assets in 3D
modelling tools, as you should always ensure that your models are created at 0,0,0 in
the package that you are using. This is to ensure that when imported into Unity, their
axes are read correctly.

Ha a könyv többi részét értetted, ezt is kéne. :) Fordítsd le mondatról mondatra. Szerintem egyáltalán nem bonyolult.
local = relatív
world = abszolút
Analógia: mint az elérési útvonalak. Ott is van relatív, ami az adott fájlhoz (=objektum) képest mondja meg egy másik helyét, és van az abszolút, ami a pontos helyet mondja meg a fájlrendszerben (=világ).
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