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#, A (42)
3D Cyber Puck (Sim/Strategy)
3-Demon (Classic)
3D-Pitfall (Tetris)
4D Boxing (Sim/Strategy)
ABM (Classic)
Abmis the Lion (Sidescroll)
Abuse (Action)
Acid Tetris (Tetris)
AckAck (Action)
Action Supercross (Sim/Strategy)
Adventure (Adventure)
Adventure Fun-Pak (Adventure)
Adventure Game Studio
(Game Creation)
Aldo's Adventure (Sidescroll)
Aldo's Assault (Sidescroll)
Alien Cabal (3D Shooting)
Alien Carnage (Sidescroll)
Alien Phobia (Action)
Alleycat (Classic)
Alone in the Dark (Adventure)
Amazon Snake (Action)
Amulets & Armor (RPG)
Ancients (RPG)
Angband (RPG)
Animal Quest (Edu/Kids)
Animated Clock (Edu/Kids)
ANSiDude (Adventure)
Antarctic Adventure (Classic)
Antrun (Puzzle)
Ants (Puzzle)
A-Pac (Classic)
Aquanoid (Ball&Paddle)
Arcade Volleyball (Action)
Arctic Adventure (Sidescroll)
ARGH (Puzzle)
Argon (Space Shooting)
Ariva (Puzzle)
Aro (Sidescroll)
Aspetra (RPG)
Assault Trooper (Action)
Astrofire (Space Shooting)
B (47)
BabyType (Edu/Kids)
Backlash (Action)
Back to the Forest (Sidescroll)
Ballgame 2 (Action)
Balloons (Edu/Kids)
Bananoid (Ball&Paddle)
Banatron (Action)
Basstour (Sim/Strategy)
Bat & Ball (Ball&Paddle)
Battleship (Traditional)
Battle for Atlantis (Sim/Strategy)
Beneath a Steel Sky (Adventure)
Beast (Action)
Beats of Rage (Action)
Beat the Bomb (Edu/Kids)
Beyond Columns (Tetris)
Big 2 (Traditional)
Bio Menace (Sidescroll)
Bipbop 2 (Ball&Paddle)
Bips (Puzzle)
Black Cauldron (Adventure)
Black Orb (Adventure)
Blackthorne (Sidescroll)
Blake Stone (3D Shooting)
Blast Zone (Space Shooting)
Blinky 3 (Sidescroll)
Blockage (Ball&Paddle)
Blockout (Tetris)
Block Man 2 (Puzzle)
Block-o-Mania (Puzzle)
Blocks from Hell (Tetris)
Blocks (Puzzle)
Blood (3D Shooting)
Bob the Hamster (Puzzle)
Bolitaire (Traditional)
Bolo Ball (Puzzle)
Bomber (Action)
Bombs & Bugs (Action)
Boom Master (Action)
Boppin (Puzzle)
Bounce (Puzzle)
Bounce Zone (Ball&Paddle)
Bouncing Babies (Action)
Breakfree (Ball&Paddle)
Breakout (Ball&Paddle)
Bricks (Ball&Paddle)
Brix (Puzzle)
C (52)
Captain Comic (Sidescroll)
Captain Eric (Action)
Capture the Flag (Sim/Strategy)
Carmageddon (Action)
Cash Invaders (Space Shooting)
Castle Adventure (Adventure)
Castle Master (Adventure)
Catacomb Abyss (3D Shooting)
Catch If You Can (Sim/Strategy)
Cavequest (RPG)
Caves of Thor (Adventure)
CD-Man (Classic)
C-Dogs (Action)
Centiped-Em (Classic)
Champ Kong (Classic)
Charlie the Duck (Sidescroll)
Charlie II (Sidescroll)
Chartwars (Sim/Strategy)
Chasm: The Rift (3D Shooting)
Chex Quest (3D Shooting)
Chickie Egg (Sidescroll)
Chompsters (Classic)
Chub Gam 3D (3D Shooting)
Classic Jumpman (Classic)
Clone (Puzzle)
Clone Invaders (Classic)
Clyde's Adventure (Sidescroll)
Clyde's Revenge (Sidescroll)
Cochese (Puzzle)
Commander Keen (Sidescroll)
Commander Keen 4 (Sidescroll)
Commander Keen 6 (Sidescroll)
Commander Keen Dreams (Sidescroll)
Construction Bob (Ball&Paddle)
Cool Spot (Sidescroll)
Core War (Misc)
Corncob 3D (Sim/Strategy)
Corridor 7 (3D Shooting)
Cosmo Chicken (Classic)
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
Crash (Action)
Crazy Eights (Traditional)
Cribbage Solitaire (Traditional)
Crime Fighter (Sim/Strategy)
Crusher Castle 2 (Puzzle)
Crystal Caves (Sidescroll)
Cube (Traditional)
Cyberdogs (Action)
Cyberbox (Puzzle)
Cyberbox 2 (Puzzle)
Cybersphere (Ball&Paddle)
Cyclewarz (Action)
D (46)
Dangerous Dave (Sidescroll)
Dark Ages (Sidescroll)
Dark Forces (3D Shooting)
Dark Passages (Adventure)
Dark Woods 2 (Adventure)
DarkPhear (RPG)
Darkwolf (Sidescroll)
David's Kong (Classic)
Daymare 2 (RPG)
Death Rally (Action)
Dedale (Puzzle)
Deep II (Action)
Denture Man (Action)
Depth Dwellers (3D Shooting)
Descent (3D Shooting)
D/Generation (Action)
Diamaze (Puzzle)
Diamond Ball 3 (Puzzle)
Diamonds (Puzzle)
Diamond Dash (Sidescroll)
Digger (Classic)
Diggory (Action)
Dismal Passages (Adventure)
Dodgem (Action)
Donald Duck's Playground (Edu)
Donkey (Classic)
Doom (3D Shooting)
Doom, the RogueLike (RPG)
Dosmine (Puzzle)
Dotso (Puzzle)
Doublelink (Tetris)
DoubleSpyGuy (Sidescroll)
Drilling Billy (Action)
Dr Rudy (Tetris)
Dr Rudy 2 (Puzzle)
Drum Blaster (Misc)
Duck Hunt (Action)
Ducks (Puzzle)
Duke Nukem (Sidescroll)
Duke Nukem 2 (Sidescroll)
Duke Nukem 3D (3D Shooting)
Dungeon (RPG)
Dungeon Crawl (RPG)
Dungeon Thief (Adventure)
Dungeons of Death (RPG)
Dungeons of Grimlor (Adventure)
E (19)
EGA Poker (Traditional)
EGA Roids (Classic)
EGA Solitaire (Traditional)
EGA Trek (Sim/Strategy)
EGAWalls (Ball&Paddle)
Elder Scrolls: Arena (RPG)
Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall (RPG)
Electranoid (Ball&Paddle)
Electroman (Sidescroll)
Electron Havoc (Sim/Strategy)
Elfland (Sidescroll)
Elite (Sim/Strategy)
Eliza (Misc)
Epic Baseball (Sim/Strategy)
Epic Pinball (Sim/Strategy)
Escape From the
ASCII Trolls (Adventure)
Evasive Maneuvers (Space Shooting)
Executioners (Action)
Executive Suite (Sim/Strategy)
F (15)
Flatworm II (Action)
Fairy Godmother (Puzzle)
Fiddle (Puzzle)
Fire & Ice (Sidescroll)
Fire Fighter (Sim/Strategy)
Fool's Errand, The (Puzzle)
Football Fanatic (Sim/Strategy)
Four (Traditional)
Fowl Play (Action)
Fracas (Action)
Framed (Sidescroll)
Fretris (Tetris)
Funballs (Puzzle)
Funny Face (Edu/Kids)
Fuzzy's World of Miniature
Space Golf (Sim/Strategy)
G (18)
Galacta (Space Shooting)
Galactic Battle (Space Shooting)
Galactix (Space Shooting)
Galactix (2) (Adventure)
Game Builder Lite
(Game Creation)
Game with No Name, The (Sidescroll)
Gateworld (Sidescroll)
Gemworld (Adventure)
Get 5! (Traditional)
Giana Sisters 32k (Sidescroll)
God of Thunder (Adventure)
Gobman (Classic)
Goferpop (Misc)
Gravity Force (Space Shooting)
Grid Poker (Puzzle)
Gripple (Puzzle)
G-Stones 3 (Ball&Paddle)
Grand Theft Auto (Action)
H (22)
Hangman (Traditional)
Hangtetris (Tetris)
Happyland Adventures (Sidescroll)
Heartlight (Puzzle)
Heavy Water Jogger (Adventure)
Helious (Puzzle)
Hera: Sword of Rhin (RPG)
Heretic (3D Shooting)
Hexen (3D Shooting)
Heroes (Action)
Hero's Heart (Puzzle)
Hexxagon (Puzzle)
Highway Hunter (Space Shooting)
Hocus Pocus (Sidescroll)
Holiday Serpent (Action)
Horrorscopes (Misc)
Hubie (Sidescroll)
Hugo's House of Horrors
Hugo's House of Horrors 2:
Whodunnit? (Adventure)
Hugo's House of Horrors 3:
Jungle of Doom (Adventure)
Humbug (Adventure)
H.U.R.L (3D Shooting)
I (14)
Impact (Ball&Paddle)
Incredible Machine, The (Puzzle)
Indenture (Adventure)
Indiana Jones and the Fate
of Atlantis (Adventure)
Infernal Tome (RPG)
Inner Worlds (Sidescroll)
Insanity (Adventure)
Interpose (Space Shooting)
In the Dead of Night (Adventure)
Invaders 1978 (Classic)
Invasion of the Mutant Space
Bats of Doom (Space Shooting)
Island Hopper (Space Shooting)
Islands of Danger (Action)
Isle Wars (Sim/Strategy)
J (14)
Jagtris (Tetris)
Jasper's Journeys (Sidescroll)
Jazz Jackrabbit (Sidescroll)
Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare
Jelly Bean Factory (Tetris)
JellyFish (Action)
Jetman (Action)
Jetpack (Sidescroll)
Jetpack Christmas Special
Jill of the Jungle (Sidescroll)
Joe Snow (Sidescroll)
Joyous Rebel (RPG)
Jumpjet (Action)
Jump'n'Bump (Action)
K (11)
Ken's Labyrinth (3D Shooting)
Kentris (Tetris)
Kerboom (Classic)
Kiloblaster (Space Shooting)
Kingdom of Syree (RPG)
Kix (Classic)
Koolah (Misc)
Kosmonaut (Action)
KrisKros (Edu/Kids)
Kroz (Kingdom of) (Adventure)
Krypton Egg (Ball&Paddle)
L (24)
Labrynth of Zeux (Sidescroll)
Ladder Man 3 (Puzzle)
Lamers (Misc)
Larax & Zaco (Sidescroll)
Laser Light (Puzzle)
Last Half of Darkness (Adventure)
Lawn Mower (Sim/Strategy)
Legal Tender (3D Shooting)
Legend of Saladir (RPG)
Legend of the Silver Talisman (RPG)
Lemmings (Puzzle)
Lemwar (Sim/Strategy)
Letter Targets (Misc)
Leygref's Castle (RPG)
LHX Attack Chopper (Sim/Strategy)
Liero (Action)
Line Wars II (3D Shooting)
Llamatron (Action)
Loader Larry (Puzzle)
Lock 'N' Chase (Classic)
Logo (Edu/Kids)
Lost Vikings (Sidescroll)
Lunatix (Adventure)
Lure of the Temptress (Adventure)
M (42)
Maddog Williams (Adventure)
Madman (RPG)
Magus (RPG)
Magic Crayon (Edu/Kids)
Mah Jongg (Traditional)
Majik (Adventure)
Major Stryker (Space Shooting)
Mario VGA (Classic)
Marshmallow Duel (Action)
Mastermind (Traditional)
Math Castle (Edu/Kids)
Math Rescue (Edu/Kids)
Matter Blaster 2 (Action)
Mazeball (Traditional)
Maze Runner (Action)
Mega Man X (Sidescroll)
Megatron VGA (Action)
Megazeux (Game Creation)
Meteor (Action)
Mice Men (Puzzle)
Micropede (Classic)
Mindgames DOS Collection (Puzzle)
Mine Bombers (Action)
MinerVGA (Sim/Strategy)
Minesweeper (Puzzle)
Miniwar (Action)
Mission Maze (Puzzle)
Mixed World (Action)
Monkey Island (Adventure)
Monopoly (Traditional)
Monopoly (2) (Traditional)
Monster Bash (Sidescroll)
Monuments of Mars (Sidescroll)
Moraff's Dungeons of the
Unforgiven (RPG)
Mortar (Sim/Strategy)
Mr Boom (Action)
MS Pacman PC (Classic)
MyMan (Classic)
Mysterious Song (RPG)
Mystic Towers (Adventure)
Mythmaster (Adventure)
N (11)
Nephew's Puzzle Pack
Need for Speed (Sim/Strategy)
Nethack (RPG)
NHL Hockey (Sim/Strategy)
Nibbler (Action)
Nightmare 3D (3D Shooting)
Night Raid (Action)
Niosa (Adventure)
NRMaze (Puzzle)
Number Muncher (Edu/Kids)
NYet (Tetris)
O (4)
OH RPG Creation
Engine (Game Creation)
Operation Body Count (3D Shooting)
Overkill (Space Shooting)
Oxyd (Puzzle)
P (30)
Pac-Bar (Classic)
Pac-Gal (Classic)
Packrat (Sidescroll)
Pacman PC (Classic)
Paganitzu (Puzzle)
Pango (Action)
Paratrooper (Classic)
Parched Terrain (Sim/Strategy)
PC*Bert (Classic)
Pea Shootin Pete (Action)
Peach's Dream (Sidescroll)
Perestroika (Action)
Permanent Daylight (Adventure)
Peter-Box (Puzzle)
Pharoah's Tomb (Sidescroll)
Pickle Wars (Sidescroll)
Pinball Fantasies (Sim/Strategy)
Pixelships (Space Shooting)
Pizza Worm (Action)
Plague of the Moon (Adventure)
PLBM Pong (Ball&Paddle)
Plix (Puzzle)
Plundermine (Puzzle)
Poko Memorial Miniature
Golf (Sim/Strategy)
Pong (Ball&Paddle)
Pong Kombat (Ball&Paddle)
Powball (Ball&Paddle)
Powerslave (3D Shooting)
Prince of Persia 2 (Sidescroll)
Puzzle Fun-Pak (Puzzle)
Q (9)
Quadnet (Space Shooting)
Quatris (Tetris)
Quatris 2 Gold (Tetris)
Quato (Edu/Kids)
Queen of Hearts Maze Game
Quest: The Dungeon Escape
Quest 2: The Forest Trap
Quake (3D Shooting)
Quiver (3D Shooting)
R (30)
Race! (Sim/Strategy)
Racer (Action)
Radix: Beyond the Void
(3D Shooting)
Raptor (Space Shooting)
Ragnarok (RPG)
Realms of Chaos (Sidescroll)
Reaping the Dungeon (RPG)
Rebel Decade Chess (Traditional)
Red Baron (Sim/Strategy)
Redhook's Revenge (Traditional)
Rescue Rover (Puzzle)
Retro Games (Classic)
Return to Kroz (Adventure)
Revenge of Froggie (Classic)
Rimtrix (Puzzle)
Rings of the Magi (Puzzle)
Riptide (In Search of Dr) (Action)
Rise of the Triad (3D Shooting)
Roadkill (Action)
Robbo (Puzzle)
Roboman (Sidescroll)
Robomaze II: The Lobby (Sidescroll)
Robotfindskitten (Misc)
Robot Revenge (Action)
Rogue (RPG)
Rollin (Puzzle)
Rollo and the Brush Bros (Classic)
Round 42 (Space Shooting)
Rotaktix (Tetris)
Roxx (Classic)
S (73)
Sam Spade (Puzzle)
Santaman (Sidescroll)
Satori (Puzzle)
Save Our Pizzas (Sidescroll)
Scavenger (Classic)
Schmootris (Tetris)
Scorched Earth (Sim/Strategy)
Scrambled Eggs (Puzzle)
Scubaman's Quest (Action)
SDI2040 (Classic)
Sea Run (Puzzle)
Secret Agent (Sidescroll)
Seek and Destroy (Space Shooting)
Shadowkeep (RPG)
Shadow Warrior (3D Shooting)
Sherlock (Puzzle)
Sherlock (2) (Puzzle)
Shooting Gallery (Misc)
Simpsons Tetris (Tetris)
Simpsons Tetris 2 (Tetris)
Sint Nicolaas (Sidescroll)
Ski Jump International (Sim/Strategy)
Ski King (Action)
Skullduggery (Adventure)
Skull Quest 1 (Sidescroll)
Skyroads (Action)
Slicks 'N Slide (Sim/Strategy)
Sleuth (Puzzle)
Smashing Pumpkins into Small
Piles of Putrid Debris (Action)
Snarf (Adventure)
Snipes (Action)
Solar Hockey League (Sim/Strategy)
Solar Winds (Space Shooting)
Solitaire Suite (Traditional)
Sopwith (Classic)
SpaceJab (Space Shooting)
Spacewar (Classic)
Space Chase (Sidescroll)
Space Nightmare (Space Shooting)
Space Pilot (Space Shooting)
Spear of Destiny (3D Shooting)
Spiffy Spaceguy (Space Shooting)
Spitwad Willy (Action)
Spryjinx (Action)
Spych (Puzzle)
Squarex (Action)
Squarez (Puzzle)
Stalactites (Action)
Star Fortress (Classic)
Starfire (Space Shooting)
Stargoose (Space Shooting)
Stargunner (Space Shooting)
Star Hammer (Space Shooting)
Star Mines II (Space Shooting)
Stellar Conquest 3 (Sim/Strategy)
Stixworld (Sidescroll)
Storymaker+ VGA (Edu/Kids)
Strife (3D Shooting)
STYX (Classic)
Sudoku (Traditional)
Supaplex (Puzzle)
Super Angelo (Sidescroll)
Super Ball (Ball&Paddle)
Superblast (Ball&Paddle)
SuperFly (Action)
Superfrog (Action)
Super Speed (Sim/Strategy)
Super Stupid Space
Invaders (Space Shooting)
Super Tetris (Tetris)
Super Tournament Pong
Super Worms (Sim/Strategy)
Super Xonix (Action)
Super ZZT (Game Creation)
T (42)
Tarot II (Traditional)
Taxi Run (Puzzle)
Tear Down the Wall (Puzzle)
Teen Agent (Adventure)
Technoventure (Sidescroll)
Teed-Off (Sim/Strategy)
Tekwar (3D Shooting)
Telengard (Adventure)
Terminal Velocity (3D Shooting)
Terminator: Future Shock (3D Shooting)
Terroid (Space Shooting)
Terror in Chirstmas Town (3D Shooting)
Tetripz (Tetris)
Tetris Pro (Tetris)
Text Missile Command (Classic)
Text-World (Game Creation)
Textris (Tetris)
TextTris (Tetris)
Theme Park (Sim/Strategy)
The Tomb (Action)
Thor's Hammer (3D Shooting)
Threat (Action)
Three (Tetris)
Three Point Basketball (Sim/Strategy)
Tom & Jerry (Sidescroll)
Tomb Raider (3D Shooting)
Top Hat Willy (Sidescroll)
Traffic Department 2192 (Space Shooting)
Treasue Hunt Math (Edu/Kids)
Tri (Puzzle)
Trick Blast (Action)
Triplane Turmoil (Sim/Strategy)
Troll's Tale (Adventure)
TRON (Classic)
Troy (Sidescroll)
Trugg (Puzzle)
Tubes (Tetris)
Tubular Worlds (Space Shooting)
Tunneler (Action)
Turbo Trek (Sim/Strategy)
Typingmaster Games (Edu/Kids)
Tyrian (Space Shooting)
U (6)
UFO (Misc)
United States Quiz (Edu/Kids)
Ultima Underworld (RPG)
Ultizurk (RPG)
Unreal World (The) (RPG)
UrthWurm (Action)

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