Kezdőoldal » Számítástechnika » Programok » 2. világháborús FPS játék?

2. világháborús FPS játék?

Figyelt kérdés
Még gyerekkoromban játszottam egy 2. világháborús FPS játékkal, kb. 2007-ben. Amire emlékszek, hogy lehetett benne tankot vezetni az egyik mapon, és az egyik pályán éjszaka volt és egy repülővel mentünk és lezuhantunk. A társaink meghaltak. A németek ellen harcoltunk a játékban. Egy másik pályára is emlékszek. Abban Egy faluban harcoltunk. Ott nappal volt. Kérlek segítsetek mert már 4 éve keresem de még mindig nem tudtam meg a nevét. Előre is köszönöm a segítségeket. :)

2015. szept. 6. 12:26
 1/5 anonim ***** válasza:

2. VH-s játékok amikoről hallottam:

Wolfenstein, talán egyik cod?

Egyébként 2. VH-s játékok:

Hearts of Iron I

Hearts of Iron II

Hearts of Iron III

Hearts of Iron IV

Darkest Hour

Medal of Honor (1999)

Medal of Honor: Underground (2000)

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (2002)

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Spearhead (expansion pack)

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Breakthrough (expansion pack)

Medal of Honor: Frontline (2002)

Medal of Honor: Infiltrator (2003)

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (2003)

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (2004)

Medal of Honor: European Assault (2005)

Medal of Honor: Heroes (2006)

Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 (2007)

Medal of Honor: Airborne (2007)

Medal of Honor: Vanguard (2007)

The Call of Duty series

Call of Duty (2003)

Call of Duty: United Offensive (2004) (expansion pack)

Call of Duty: Finest Hour (2004)

Call of Duty 2 (2005)

Call of Duty 2: Collector's Edition (2005)

Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (2005)

Call of Duty 3 (2006)

Call of Duty 3: Gold Edition (2007)

Call of Duty: Roads to Victory (2007)

Call of Duty: World at War (2008)

The Battlefield series

Battlefield 1942 (2002)

Battlefield: 1942: The Road to Rome (2003 expansion pack)

Battlefield: 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII (2003 expansion pack)

Battlefield Heroes (2009)

Battlefield 1943 (2009)

Forgotten Hope 2 (BF2 Mod)

The Wolfenstein series

Wolfenstein 3D (1992)

Wolfenstein: Spear of Destiny (1992)

Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001)

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (2003)

Wolfenstein (2009)

Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014)

The Brothers in Arms series

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (2005)

Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood (2005)

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (2008)

Brothers in Arms: D-Day (2006)

Brothers in Arms: Double Time (2008)

Brothers in Arms DS (2007)

Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 (2015)

The Hidden & Dangerous series

Hidden & Dangerous (1999)

Hidden & Dangerous: Devil's Bridge (expansion pack) (2000)

Hidden & Dangerous 2 (2003)

Hidden & Dangerous 2: Sabre Squadron (expansion pack) (2004)

The Day of Defeat series

Day of Defeat (2003)

Day of Defeat: Source (2005)

The World War II Combat series

World War II Combat: Road to Berlin (2006)

World War II Combat: Iwo Jima (2006)

The Deadly Dozen series

Deadly Dozen (2001)

Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater (2002)

The Battlestrike Series

Battlestrike: The Siege

Battlestrike: Call to Victory

Battlestrike: The Road to Berlin

Battlestrike: Secret Weapons

Battlestrike: Force of Resistance

Battlestrike: Shadow of Stalingrad

Battlestrike: Western and Eastern Front

Crimes of War

Tank Combat

Operation Thunderstorm

The Red Orchestra series

Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 (2006)

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (2011)

Rising Storm expansion (2013)

Darkest Hour: '44 - '45(RO1 Mod)

Mare Nostrum (RO1 Mod)

The Sniper Elite series

Sniper Elite (2005)

Sniper Elite V2 (2012)

Sniper Elite 3 (2014)


Heroes & Generals (2012)

Army Rage (2012)

Aces High II (2011)

World War II Online (2009)

Commandos Strike Force (2006)

Silent Service (1985)

Silent Service II (1990)

Mortyr (1999)

Mortyr 2: ForEver (2004)

WWII Normandy (2001)

D-Day: Normandy (2002)

WW2: GI (1998)

My Worst Day WW2 (2005)

WWII: Soldier (2005)

Wolfschanze (2007)

Wolfschanze 2 (2010)

World War II Sniper: Call to Victory (2004)

Airborne Troops: Countdown to D-Day (2004)

Combat Elite: WWII Paratroopers (2005)

Sniper: Art of Victory (2008)

History Channel's ShootOut! The Game (2006)

WWII Tank Commander (2006)

The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific (2007)

The Royal Marines Commando (2008)

Hour of Victory (2007)

1944 D-Day: Operation Overlord (TBA)

Beyond Normandy: Assignment Berlin (2003)

Airborne Hero: D-day Frontline 1944 (2006)

Ardennes Offensive: Operation Rhine Watch Winter 1944 (2006)

The Saboteur (2009)

Velvet Assassin (2009)

Iron Front: Liberation 1944 (2012)

Dino D-Day (2011)

Uprising44: The Silent Shadows (2012)

Enemy Front (2014)

The Close Combat series

Close Combat (1996)

Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far (1997)

Close Combat III: The Russian Front (1998)

Close Combat IV: Battle of the Bulge (1999)

Close Combat: Invasion Normandy (2000)

Close Combat VI: Cross Of Iron (2007)

Close Combat VII: Close Assault (TBA)

The Sudden Strike series

Sudden Strike (2000)

Sudden Strike Forever (2001) (expansion pack)

Sudden Strike 2 (2002)

Sudden Strike: Resource War (2004) (expansion pack)

Sudden Strike 3 (2008)

The Commandos series

Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines (1998)

Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty (1999) (expansion pack)

Commandos 2: Men of Courage (2001)

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin (2003)

The Blitzkrieg series

Blitzkrieg (2003)

Blitzkrieg: Burning Horizon (expansion pack) (2004)

Blitzkrieg: Rolling Thunder (expansion pack) (2004)

Blitzkrieg 2 (2005)

Blitzkrieg 2 Liberation

The Company of Heroes series

Company of Heroes (2006)

Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts (2007)

Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor (2009)

Company of Heroes 2 (2013)

The Men of war series

Men of War (2008)

Red Tide (2009)

Assault Squad (2011)

Vietnam (2011)

Condemned Heroes (2012)

Assault Squad 2 (2014)


Conflict Zone (2001)

Conqueror (1988)

World War II: Frontline Command (2003)

Desert Rats vs. Afrika Korps (2004)

War Times (2004)

Axis & Allies (2004)

Stalingrad (2005)

War Front: Turning Point (2007)

Pacific Storm (2006)

Mockba to Berlin (2006)

Spring: 1944 (2008)

World War II Online: Battleground Europe (High Command) (2009)

War Leaders: Clash of Nations (2009)

R.U.S.E. (2010)

Real-time tactics games[edit]

Sudden Strike 2 (2002)

Codename: Panzers Phase One (2004)

Codename: Panzers Phase Two (2005)

Soldiers: Heroes of World War II (2004)

Faces of War (2006)

Company of Heroes (2006)

Rush for Berlin (2006)

Men of War (2009)

Men of War: Assault Squad (2011)

Theatre Of War (2007)

Panzer Tactics DS (2007)

Order Of War (2009)

Talvisota: Icy Hell (2008)

Achtung Panzer Operation Star(Graviteam) (2011)

The Battlestations series

Battlestations: Midway (2007)

Battlestations: Pacific (2009)


World War II Online (2009)

Heroes & Generals (2013)

Grand strategy and Alternate history games[edit]

The Hearts of Iron series

Hearts of Iron (2002)

Hearts of Iron II (2005)

Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday (expansion pack) (2006)

Hearts of Iron II: Armageddon (expansion pack) (2007)

Hearts of Iron II: Iron Cross (expansion pack) (2010)

Hearts of Iron III (2009)

Hearts of Iron III: Semper Fi (expansion pack) (2010)

Hearts of Iron III: For the Motherland (expansion pack) (2011)

Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour (expansion pack) (2012)

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game (2011)

Hearts of Iron IV (TBA)

The Making History series

Making History: The Calm & The Storm (2007)

Making History II: The War of the World (2010)

Turn-based strategy games[edit]

Allied General (1995)

Panzer General (1994)

Daisenryaku (Iron Storm) (1996)

Operation Europe: Path To Victory (1994)

Pacific War: Matrix Edition (2003)

Silent Storm (2004)

War in the Pacific: The Struggle Against Japan 1941-1945 (2004)

War Plan Orange: Dreadnoughts in the Pacific 1922-1930 (2005)

World War II - Road to Victory (2008)

Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord (2001)

Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin (2002)

Combat Mission Afrika Korps (2004)

Gary Grisby's World at War (2005)

Military History Commander Europe at War (2009)

War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition (2009)

Sgt. Saunders' Combat! (1995)

Operation Europe: Path to Victory (1995)

Barbarossa (1992)

Koutetsu no Kishi (1991)

Koutetsu no Kishi 2: Sabaku no Rommel Shougun (1994)

Koutetsu no Kishi 3: Gekitotsu Europe Sensen (1995)

Making History (series)

Legends of War (2011)

Soldiers of Empires (2002)

Soldiers of Empires 2 (2012)

Strategic Command: European Theater (2002)

Steel Panthers (series) (1995-2006)

Panzer General Online (2013)

Massive assualt

Unity of Command (2011)


Flight simulators

Air Warrior (1988)

The Red Baron (1990)

Hellcats Over the Pacific (1991)

Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (1991)

Aces of the Pacific (1992)

B-17 Flying Fortress (video game) (1992)

Aces over Europe (1993)

1942:Pacific Air War (1994)

European Air War (1998)

Jane's WWII Fighters (1998)

Warbirds 2.01 (1998)

Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator : WWII Europe Series (1998)

Fighter Squadron: Screamin' Demons Over Europe (1999)

Iron Aces (2000)

Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: WWII Pacific Theater (2000)

Aces High II (2000)

World War II Online: Battleground Europe (2009)

IL-2 Sturmovik (2001)

Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3: Battle for Europe (2002)

Jane's Attack Squadron (2002)

Dogfight: Battle for the Pacific by Valusoft (2003)

Secret Weapons Over Normandy (2003)

IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles (2003)

Pacific Fighters (2004)

Battle of Britain II: Wings of Victory (2005)

Heroes of the Pacific (2005)

Air Conflicts (2006)

IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 (2006)

Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII (2006)

Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII (2007)

Attack on Pearl Harbor (2007)

WWII Aces (2008)

Air Conflicts: Aces of World War II (2009)

Heroes over Europe (2009)

IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey (2009)

Battle stations pacific/Midway (2007–2009)

Wings of Prey (2010)

Pearl Harbor Trilogy - 1941: Red Sun Rising (2010)

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (2011)

IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover (2011)

Birds of Steel (2012)

Damage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII (2012)

Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers (2012)

World of Warplanes (2013)

War Thunder (2013)

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad (2013)

Red Skies over Europe

Naval simulators

The Battlestations series

Battlestations: Midway (2007)

Battlestations: Pacific (2009)

The Silent Hunter series

Silent Hunter (1996)

Silent Hunter II (2001)

Silent Hunter III (2005)

Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific (2007)

Silent Hunter V: Battle of the Atlantic (2010)

Tank simulators

Panzer Commander (1998)

iPanzer ´44 (1998)

Panzer Elite (1999)

Panzer Front (2000)

Panzer Front Ausf.B (2004)

Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory (2006)

Panzer Elite Action: Dunes of War (2007)

T-34 vs Tiger (2008)

Steel Fury - Kharkov 1942 (2008)

World of Tanks (2010)


Destroyer Command (2002)

Grandest Fleet (1994)

World War II Online (2009)

Invasion '44 Mod (2011)


iPhone & iPod touch games

Armored Combat: Tank Warfare Online (2013)

LAST WAR (2011)

Combat Mission Touch (2012)

Destroyer vs Wolfpack (2013)

World Conqueror 1945

World Conqueror 2

Android games

Armored Combat: Tank Warfare Online (2013)

Glory of Generals HD (2013)

Destroyer vs Wolfpack (2013)

Board games

Axis & Allies (turn-based strategy) (1998)

Axis & Allies: Iron Blitz (1999) (expansion pack)

Steel Panthers : World at War(2007)

Memoir '44 (2004)

Flames of War (2002)

Interactive fiction

Trinity (1986)

World War II Online (2001)

a.k.a. "Battleground Europe"

Heroes & Generals (2013)

MMOTSG (Massive Multiplayer Online Tactical Strategy Game)

NavyField (2005)

Blitz 1941 (2009)

Third-Person shooter

The Outfit (2006)

Historic action-adventure

The Saboteur (2009)

Another War (2002)

Stealth Based

Death to Spies (2007)

Death to Spies: Moment of Truth (2008)

The Great Escape (1986)

The Great Escape (2003)

Pilot Down : Behind Enemy Lines (2005)

Velvet Assassin (2008)

Castle Wolfenstein (1981)

Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (1984)

Prisoner Of War (2002)

2015. szept. 6. 13:10
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 anonim ***** válasza:
A COD 1-ben van mindegyik jelenetből amit leírtál.
2015. szept. 6. 13:17
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/5 anonim ***** válasza:
#1 A listán amit bemásoltál, csak fps játékok vannak?
2015. szept. 6. 13:19
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Az egyéb kategória után nem tudom mi van.
2015. szept. 6. 13:20
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 anonim ***** válasza:
#4 Nagyon jó, a válaszadók lassan már azt sem tudják hogy mit válaszolnak. :)
2015. szept. 6. 13:23
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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