Nem maradnak torrent oldalak?

Nagyon valószínű, hogy csak ideiglenes a leállás.
Amúgy 1 db. torrentoldal lekapcsolása miért feltételezi azt, hogy nem maradnak torrent oldalak? Az elmúlt évek során többször is lelőtték a TPB-t, mégis itt van a mai napig.

a the piratebay-t sem tiltották le, mert nem sikerült :)
***** címen továbbra is elérhető :)
* Automatikusan eltávolított tartalom.

23:37: Az kamuoldal.
"In recent days we have received more than a hundred tips from readers who announced that TPB has returned on the the****** While this site does look familiar, it’s by no means an official incarnation.
In fact, as we highlighted earlier, the .cr domain used to be one of the many Pirate Bay proxy/mirror sites. It has no upload functionality nor can visitors sign up to add torrents. Interestingly enough (and adding to the confusion) the site’s operators started to populate the site with new content themselves a few hours ago.
The .cr domain, which was incorrectly promoted by several news media sites as an official comeback, previously redirected to the******, a site that used to charge people for access to torrents. "
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* Automatikusan eltávolított tartalom.
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