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Mi az a "Xmx512m-java-jar" és mit jelent az alábbi szöveg?

Figyelt kérdés

Jpcsp – Java PSP Emulator

Jpcsp is a PlayStation Portable emulator for PC, started by shadow (the same great

person that made PCSX & PCSX2) and joined by a great team.

Jpcsp is the first psp emulator written in java, allows to play your psp games on a PC

What’s new on v0.3?

· It’s Jpcsp’s birthday!! Happy birthday Jpcsp

· A huge improvement in CPU/FPU/VFPU added and fixed a considerable

instructions which make things better.

· v0.3 is 50% faster than v0.2 .

· Fixed a lot of issues and bugs ( in compiler, loader, memory…etc).

· Better fake Mpeg.

· Improved and fixed a lot of modules like sceUmd…etc, and other HLE stuffs

which make a lot of games are running or even playable.

· Improved graphics in VideoEngine and pspdislay, fixed compressed textures,

textures cache, and also 2D & 3D (yeah we have 3D ).

· Added special settings for more compatibility and speed.

How it works:

· First you need to install JRE (Java Runtime Environement).

· Put your iso/cso in “umdimages” folder, and your homebrews/demos in “ms0/


You can find the saves in “ms0/PSP/SAVEDATA”.

Note: only ISO and CSO are suported for commercial games!!and pbp/elf for


· To lunch Jpcsp click on “Jpcsp.jar” or you can run it from a batch file using “

java -Xmx512m -jar "Jpcsp.jar" ” you can also use Xmx1024m if you have

more than 2bg of memory ;-)

· To load & play a gme do: click on file and choose “Load UMD” now you will

see a window (“UMD iso/cso Browser”) choose a game and press “Load”,

then press “Run” and be happy :p.

· For homebrews/demos choose “Load MemStick”…

· In “Options” you will see some special hacks, they helps to improve

compatibility and speed, play with those hack to find a good stability for each

game you are trying (not all games uses the same hacks :p).

· To get more speed enable “Only GE graphics” in “Options” and disable the

logger (in Logger change log level to “OFF”).

· Jpcsp is using HLE (High Level Emulation), the team chosen it for speed and

a good compatibility instead of LLE which is really slow compared to HLE

especially with Java, plus we haven’t enough infos about hardware and

firmware to handle all the hardware at low level.

The Dev Team:

This table represents the current team members working on Jpcsp.

Shadow add something here…

Nickname Real Name Place Comments

shadow George Moralis Greece Project founder/leader, general coding, he

touches to all part of the emu.

fiveofhearts ? United


The HLE guru (or expert?), graphics , general


gid15 ? Germany Graphics, HLE, Allegrex and compiler, yeah a

great coder.

hlide ? France Allegrex guru, he’s the author of the CPU/FPU/

VFPU documentation.

Orphis ? France Core & HLE programming, and helped out with

some javascript of the webpage.

Dreampeppers99 ? ? Helped alot in the early stages of the project.

shash ? ? Graphics programming.

gigaherz ? Spain UmdIsoReader, filesystems...etc, General

coding. ahh and he hate Java.

aisesal ? ? Graphics programming.

zarjan ? ? He helped jpcsp on its first steps.

mozvip ? ? He helped jpcsp on its first steps.

Qwin ? Netherlands Coder and designer of the webpage.

Pim Smeets ? Netherlands Helped out mastering the page design.

The Test0rs Team:








de ha lehet ne google fordítóval fordítsátok le hanem ha lehet érthebböben mint ahogy a google leírja kösz

2010. jan. 3. 20:06
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
Java PSP Emulator (Sony PlayStation Portable játékokat játszhatsz PC-n). Indításhoz kattints a jpcsp.jar ikonra, vagy indíthatod parancssorból/batch fájlból a "java -Xmx512m -jar Jpcsp.jar" paranccsal. A többit másra bízom.
2010. jan. 3. 23:33
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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