Mi az a "Xmx512m-java-jar" és mit jelent az alábbi szöveg?
Jpcsp – Java PSP Emulator
Jpcsp is a PlayStation Portable emulator for PC, started by shadow (the same great
person that made PCSX & PCSX2) and joined by a great team.
Jpcsp is the first psp emulator written in java, allows to play your psp games on a PC
What’s new on v0.3?
· It’s Jpcsp’s birthday!! Happy birthday Jpcsp
· A huge improvement in CPU/FPU/VFPU added and fixed a considerable
instructions which make things better.
· v0.3 is 50% faster than v0.2 .
· Fixed a lot of issues and bugs ( in compiler, loader, memory…etc).
· Better fake Mpeg.
· Improved and fixed a lot of modules like sceUmd…etc, and other HLE stuffs
which make a lot of games are running or even playable.
· Improved graphics in VideoEngine and pspdislay, fixed compressed textures,
textures cache, and also 2D & 3D (yeah we have 3D ).
· Added special settings for more compatibility and speed.
How it works:
· First you need to install JRE (Java Runtime Environement).
· Put your iso/cso in “umdimages” folder, and your homebrews/demos in “ms0/
You can find the saves in “ms0/PSP/SAVEDATA”.
Note: only ISO and CSO are suported for commercial games!!and pbp/elf for
· To lunch Jpcsp click on “Jpcsp.jar” or you can run it from a batch file using “
java -Xmx512m -jar "Jpcsp.jar" ” you can also use Xmx1024m if you have
more than 2bg of memory ;-)
· To load & play a gme do: click on file and choose “Load UMD” now you will
see a window (“UMD iso/cso Browser”) choose a game and press “Load”,
then press “Run” and be happy :p.
· For homebrews/demos choose “Load MemStick”…
· In “Options” you will see some special hacks, they helps to improve
compatibility and speed, play with those hack to find a good stability for each
game you are trying (not all games uses the same hacks :p).
· To get more speed enable “Only GE graphics” in “Options” and disable the
logger (in Logger change log level to “OFF”).
· Jpcsp is using HLE (High Level Emulation), the team chosen it for speed and
a good compatibility instead of LLE which is really slow compared to HLE
especially with Java, plus we haven’t enough infos about hardware and
firmware to handle all the hardware at low level.
The Dev Team:
This table represents the current team members working on Jpcsp.
Shadow add something here…
Nickname Real Name Place Comments
shadow George Moralis Greece Project founder/leader, general coding, he
touches to all part of the emu.
fiveofhearts ? United
The HLE guru (or expert?), graphics , general
gid15 ? Germany Graphics, HLE, Allegrex and compiler, yeah a
great coder.
hlide ? France Allegrex guru, he’s the author of the CPU/FPU/
VFPU documentation.
Orphis ? France Core & HLE programming, and helped out with
some javascript of the webpage.
Dreampeppers99 ? ? Helped alot in the early stages of the project.
shash ? ? Graphics programming.
gigaherz ? Spain UmdIsoReader, filesystems...etc, General
coding. ahh and he hate Java.
aisesal ? ? Graphics programming.
zarjan ? ? He helped jpcsp on its first steps.
mozvip ? ? He helped jpcsp on its first steps.
Qwin ? Netherlands Coder and designer of the webpage.
Pim Smeets ? Netherlands Helped out mastering the page design.
The Test0rs Team:
de ha lehet ne google fordítóval fordítsátok le hanem ha lehet érthebböben mint ahogy a google leírja kösz

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