Mennyire "hivatalosak" az online vásárolt oprendszerek/szoftverek?

EU-n belül magánszemélyként megvenni teljesen legális.
"According to the decision of the European Court (Curia) of Justice on the 3rd of july in 2012, (C-128/11.) the sale of software is permitted even without the physical transport of the medium (CD/DVD/Pendrive). The transfer of the used license activation keys is permitted, furthermore the sale, transfer of the unused software licenses is legal regardless of whether the software license is on a medium or online license activation key. The software company shall not prevent the further sale of its license, and usage of its software, including OEM, DSP and ESD versions. The software company’s copyright is exhausted when its software has been sold for the first time. The individual sale of Volume License and the trading of online transferable licenses are permitted. (C-128/11., EU 2001/29/EG, 28., 2009/24/EK)"

Magánszenélyként nyugodtan megvásárolhatod!
Céges felhasználásra is lehet kódot venni, amennyiben kapsz számlát, teljesen legális lesz, úgyhogy nem kell aggódni.
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