Az Instagram torolte az accountomat, letrehoztam egy ujat a weben, de a telefonon nem tudok belepni. Van ra mod, hogy a telefontiltast feloldjam?
Miért törölte?
A kérdésedre a válasz ettől is függ.
Your Commitments
In return for our commitment to provide the Service, we require you to make the below commitments to us.
Who Can Use Instagram. We want our Service to be as open and inclusive as possible, but we also want it to be safe, secure, and in accordance with the law. So, we need you to commit to a few restrictions in order to be part of the Instagram community.
You must be at least 13 years old.
You must not be prohibited from receiving any aspect of our Service under applicable laws or engaging in payments related Services if you are on an applicable denied party listing.
We must not have previously disabled your account for violation of law or any of our policies.
You must not be a convicted sex offender.
Forrás: [link]
"Ki használhatja az Instagram-ot?"
"Kizáró ok, ha korábban letiltottuk a fiókodat törvénysértés, vagy bármely irányelvünk megsértése miatt."
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