Mikor kapom vissza Steam-től a pénzemet?

Nem kaptad már meg. Nekem egyszer nem jelezte sms-ben a bank hogy Megjött a fizetésem, én meg számonkértem a főnökön pár nap után.
Elég kínos volt

akkor bemásolom,amit küldött a steam support:
Hello Eredics,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
Your refund request was approved before your purchase fully processed, so the original transaction was cancelled. This means Steam will not charge you for this purchase.
When your bank confirms that the charge was cancelled, they’ll update your statement by removing the charge from your account. Depending on the bank, this may take several weeks.
If the charge stays on your statement, we suggest that you contact your bank or credit card company. Steam Support can only confirm that the refund request was processed successfully—we can’t speed up the bank’s processes.
Please let us know if your bank needs more information from us regarding the cancelled payment.
ezt írták 20-án...szóval akkor a bankot kéne felkeresnem és rálépni a tökükre?

"Depending on the bank, this may take several weeks."
Akár több hétig is eltarthat. Még csak 1 hét telt el.

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