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Windows 10 32bit vagy 64 bit erre a pc-re? asrock n68-s alaplap, (1+2gb) 3gb ram, nvidia geforce gt630 (2gb) videókari, AMD Athlon II x2 250 proci (3, 0ghz)

Figyelt kérdés

Jelenleg win 10 32-bit fut rajta, érdemes lenne-e telepíteni a 64 bitest? nem tolok durva játékokat csak az asszony szokta a flash játékokkal kiakasztani a böngészőt :)

főleg fullHD miatt van hdmi-n a tvre kötve, de nem vagyok most annyira megelégedve vele mert miközben a gépen is csinálok valamit akkor akadozik a kép a tv-n.

2015. szept. 8. 11:17
1 2
 11/12 anonim ***** válasza:
Nem ! :)
2015. szept. 8. 13:40
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 12/12 anonim ***** válasza:

még hány cikket linkeljek, hogy meggyőzzelek? :D

legalább ennek higgy: [link]

For computers that have 3 GB or less of physical memory installed, the reported memory value can sometimes be somewhat less than the memory physically that is installed. These differences are because of the BIOS and possibly driver reservations of physical memory. For example, some BIOS implementations allocate some physical memory for the graphics adapter. Typical sizes are from 8 MB to 128 MB for graphics. Other sizes are possible. The BIOS and some drivers may reserve physical memory for other peripherals or purposes. These reservations are reasonable and are part of the usual operation for a computer. However, they do reduce how much physical memory is available for use by the operating system and applications. These reservations affect both 32-bit and 64-bit computers.

On computers that have a 32-bit operating system, more than 3 GB of system memory, and with a version of Windows that is earlier than Windows Vista SP1, users will see a larger difference in how much memory is reported as available to the operating system compared to how much physical memory is installed. This is because some physical address space must be reserved as I/O regions for memory mapped peripherals. These I/O regions are allocated between the 3 GB physical address and the 4 GB upper physical address limit.

2015. szept. 8. 13:51
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
1 2

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