Euro Truck Simulator 2 működése leáll, ha berakom a magyar modot.1.1.1-es verzió, és a legújabb verziójú modot raknám be. Mi lehet a megoldás?
Sok ideig fájlok állapotának ellenőrzése, majd egy ilyen hiba:
A log file:
************ : log created on : Saturday February 21 2015 @ 16:15:28
00:00:00.005 : OS Windows Vista x86 (version 6.0.6002) / Service Pack 2
00:00:00.005 : Memory Total: 3325 MB Physical: 1691 MB Virtual total: 2047 MB Virtual avail: 1957 MB
00:00:00.005 : Language autodetection: 40e
00:00:00.005 : Version: 1.16.2
00:00:00.005 : Transactions allowed, specify -notransactions to disable them.
00:00:00.007 : Support for transactions available
00:00:00.008 : Entering page: Welcome
00:00:00.014 : Looking for the reference file: bin/win_x86/eurotrucks2.exe
00:00:00.014 : Checking current directory: C:\Users\CENZÚRA\Downloads
00:00:00.014 : Checking registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SCS Software\Euro Truck Simulator 2\InstallDir
00:00:00.014 : Found application directory: C:\Program Files\Euro Truck Simulator 2
00:00:00.014 : Testing writability of the application directory 'C:\Program Files\Euro Truck Simulator 2'
00:00:06.442 : Executing NEXT_PAGE on: Welcome
00:00:06.443 : Exiting page: Welcome
00:00:06.443 : Entering page: Installer verification
00:00:06.445 : Verifying integrity of the installer
00:00:07.264 : Executing OPERATION_ENDED on: Installer verification
00:00:07.264 : Verification succeeded
00:00:07.264 : Exiting page: Installer verification
00:00:07.264 : Entering page: Analysis
00:00:07.265 : Analyzing the installed files
00:00:07.271 : Analyzing patch
00:00:07.272 : File 'base.scs' 6993C26E73C868DD6FAA3C900335B282AC964F72CA7118309D84BDFFBF1219BF
00:00:31.932 : <ERROR> [ERR] Unable to find patch chain between 347098738EA5A8A0C0658032437519C1DD9CF3475E0748DDD5370AA82133175C and 6993C26E73C868DD6FAA3C900335B282AC964F72CA7118309D84BDFFBF1219BF
00:00:31.932 : Executing OPERATION_ENDED on: Analysis
00:00:31.932 : <ERROR> [ERR] Analysis failed: 6 (diff_chain_missing)
00:00:31.932 : Exiting page: Analysis
00:00:31.933 : Entering page: Unsupported version
00:00:44.778 : Executing EXIT on: Unsupported version
00:00:44.778 : Default handler
00:00:44.778 : Exiting page: Unsupported version
00:00:44.783 : Cleanup
Azért jelez hibát, mert már módosítottad a játékot. (Pl. cackeléssel.)
Telepítsd újra, majd minden módosítás nélkül rakd rá a patchet, és utána crackeld. (A verziónak megfelelő crack-kel.)
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