Van eggy dell LATITUDE E6400 laptopom azt kérdezem, hogy mijen játékokat visz el? Egy oldalt találtam erről a gépröl :a kiegészitéshez irtam. Nem letölthetös hanem lemezes játékra gondoltam

Keress a youtubeon gameplay videokat az adott játékokkal kapcsolatban
P8600 + GMA4500 + a játék neve
Ez egy eléggé karcsú IGP, inkább csak képmegjelenítésre való, nem nagyon fog elmenni vele semmi.
A CS az mondjuk igen.

Meg fogsz lepödni sok mindent visz:
These are the following games that are playable on an Intel X4500.
Note that this is almost the same as the list for Intel GMA965 , but you can bump the graphic settings to medium-high for most of these.
The two most important being the processor and the system RAM. Results may vary.
Age Of Empires 3
Age Of Empires 3 Warchief
Age Of Empires 3 Asian Dynasty
Audition SEA
Battlefield 1942 + expansions
Battle Realms
Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf
Bionic Commando
C & C Generals
C & C Generals: Zero Hour
C&C 3 Tiberium Wars
C&C 3 Tiberium Wars: Kane's Wrath
C&C First Decade
Cabal SEA
Chaos Legion
Chronicles of Riddick (
Civilization 4 .)
Corum Online
CounterStrike Condition Zero, Source, 1.6
Dawn of War Dark Crusade
Dawn of War Soulstorm
Diablo 2
Elderscroll IV Oblivion
Empire Earth 2
Enter the Matrix
F.E.A.R Extraction Point
F.E.A.R. Combat
Far Cry
Fiesta Online
Fly For Fun Online
Geometry Wars: Evolved for Vista
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Half Life
Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Episode 2
Halo 1, 2 (2 on low settings)
HellGate London
Highstreet 5 Online
Homeworld 2
House of the Dead 2
House of the Dead 3
Jade Empire Special Edition LOTR Battle for Middle Earth
LEGO Star Wars 2 (demo tested)
LOTR2 Rise of the Witch King
Mabinogi Life Fantasy Online
Medal of Honor Allied Assault
Mount & Blade
Multiwinia - Survival of the Fittest
Neverwinter Nights 2
NFS Most Wanted Black Edition
NFS Carbon
Onimusha 3 Demon Siege
Perfect World
Phantasy Star Universe
Pi Story Online
Prince of Persia The Sand of Time
Prince of Persia Warrior Within
Prince of Persia Two Thrones
Quake 3
Ragnarok Online 2
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
Red Alert 2
Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge
Red Alert 3
Resident Evil 4 (known as Bio hazard 4)
Rise Of Nations: Rise of Legend
Rome Total War
Secret of the Solstice Online
Serious Sam II
Sins of a Solar Empire
Space Cowboy Online
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Star Wars Jedi Academy
Stronghold Legend
Super Dance Online Xtreme
The Club
The Matrix: Path of Neo
The Sims 2 series
The Sims Life Stories, Pet Stories
Tomb Raider Legend
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Unreal Tournament 2004
WALL-E (Demo tested)
Warcraft III (DOTA)
World in Conflict
Bionic Commando
Geometry Wars: Evolved for Vista
The Matrix: Path of Neo
LEGO Star Wars 2
Act of War: Direct Action
Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings + The Conquerors
Company of Heroes
Ground Control 2: Operation Exodus
Freedom Fighters
Unreal Tournament 2003
Lord of the Rings: Battle for middle Earth 2
Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring
Rise of Nations
Star Wars: Empire at War + Forces of Corruption
Sword of the Stars + Born of Blood
The Suffering: Ties that bind
Lost Empires: Immortals
Need for Speed Underground 2
Kohan 2:Kings of War
Army Men RTS
Land of the Dead: The Road to Fiddler’s Green
Star Wars:Galactic Battlegrounds
Starcraft + Brood War
Empire Earth
Company of Heroes
Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
LOTR: Return of the King
NFS: Underground 2
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
CoD 4
The Darkness II
Cod MW2
The Walking Dead
AC: Brotherhood
The Walking Dead: Season 2
Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham City
Batman Arkham Origins
Splinter Cell: Blacklist
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Mafia: City of Lost Heaven
Dead Space Trilogy
MOH 2010
Torchlight 2 (16:10, high, disable shadow, 50-60fps)
Scribblenauts (16:10, 45-60fps or 4:3, 50-60fps)
Rayman Origins (4:3, 30-60fps)
Awesomenauts (16:10, medium 50-60fps)
Jazzpunk (16:10, medium 50-60fps)
Spore (4:3, 50-60)
FM 2014(16:10, set match to low 50-60)
NBA Live (16:9, 50-60)
Stronghold Legend (16:10, 50-60),
The Godfather (4:3, 45-6

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