Szeretnék játszani az eredeti World of Warcraft-tal. (Előtte Tauri tört szerveren játszottam.) Letöltöttem a játékot, de nem indul el. Vajon mi lehet a baj?
Rákanttintok a panelen a "play" feliratra, mintha elindulna, a kéz egér-ikon is megjelenik, de nem tölt be a játék.
Ezek a gépem adatai:
Intel(R) Core(TM)2Duo 2.20GHz
GeForce 9800GT
DirectX 12
Az itt lévő tippeket a 6. pontig kipróbáltam. Nem segített.

Ezek vannak írva a config fájlban. Mit változtassak meg? És mire?
SET portal "EU"
SET textLocale "enUS"
SET audioLocale "enUS"
SET agentUID "wow_classic_era"
SET graphicsQuality "2"
SET RAIDgraphicsQuality "2"
SET hwDetect "0"
SET gxApi "D3D11"
SET gxMaximize "1"
SET videoOptionsVersion "28"
SET particleDensity "66"
SET particleMTDensity "66"
SET rippleDetail "0"
SET reflectionMode "0"
SET groundEffectDensity "32"
SET spellClutter "75"
SET doodadLodScale "50"
SET terrainMipLevel "1"
SET lodObjectCullSize "25"
SET lodObjectMinSize "0"
SET lodObjectFadeScale "80"
SET RAIDgroundEffectDensity "32"
SET RAIDdoodadLodScale "50"
SET RAIDterrainMipLevel "1"
SET RAIDspellClutter "75"
SET RAIDreflectionMode "0"
SET RAIDrippleDetail "0"
SET RAIDparticleDensity "66"
SET RAIDparticleMTDensity "66"
SET RAIDlodObjectCullSize "25"
SET RAIDlodObjectMinSize "0"
SET RAIDlodObjectFadeScale "80"
SET componentTextureLevel "1"
SET RAIDcomponentTextureLevel "1"
SET weatherDensity "1"
SET RAIDweatherDensity "1"
SET graphicsTextureResolution "1.000000"
SET graphicsSpellDensity "2.000000"
SET graphicsProjectedTextures "1.000000"
SET graphicsEnvironmentDetail "2.000000"
SET graphicsGroundClutter "2.000000"
SET graphicsShadowQuality "1.000000"
SET graphicsLiquidDetail "1.000000"
SET graphicsParticleDensity "2.000000"
SET graphicsSSAO "1.000000"
SET graphicsSunshafts "1.000000"
SET raidGraphicsTextureResolution "1.000000"
SET raidGraphicsSpellDensity "2.000000"
SET raidGraphicsProjectedTextures "1.000000"
SET raidGraphicsEnvironmentDetail "2.000000"
SET raidGraphicsGroundClutter "2.000000"
SET raidGraphicsShadowQuality "1.000000"
SET raidGraphicsLiquidDetail "1.000000"
SET raidGraphicsParticleDensity "2.000000"
SET raidGraphicsSSAO "1.000000"
SET raidGraphicsSunshafts "1.000000"
SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
SET KioskCanSessionExpire "1"
SET KioskLobbyKickSeconds "30"
SET KioskCharacterTemplateSet "0"
Van egy másik is:
SET RAIDgroundEffectDist "55"
SET graphicsEnvironmentDetail "1"
SET gxApi "D3D11"
SET RAIDspellClutter "75"
SET RAIDParticulatesEnabled "0"
SET groundEffectDist "55"
SET raidGraphicsTextureResolution "1"
SET graphicsComputeEffects "0"
SET volumeFogLevel "0"
SET terrainLodDist "225"
SET playIntroMovie "10"
SET raidGraphicsProjectedTextures "1"
SET raidGraphicsOutlineMode "0"
SET RAIDreflectionMode "0"
SET terrainMipLevel "1"
SET reflectionMode "0"
SET particulatesEnabled "0"
SET RAIDparticleMTDensity "20"
SET RAIDentityLodDist "5"
SET graphicsDepthEffects "0"
SET lodObjectCullSize "30"
SET RAIDparticleDensity "10"
SET spellClutter "75"
SET particleMTDensity "20"
SET portal "EU"
SET RAIDlodObjectFadeScale "50"
SET raidGraphicsEnvironmentDetail "1"
SET RAIDcomponentTextureLevel "1"
SET graphicsQuality "1"
SET RAIDdoodadLodScale "50"
SET RAIDterrainMipLevel "1"
SET agentUID "wow"
SET RAIDrippleDetail "0"
SET RAIDTerrainLodDiv "384"
SET RAIDworldBaseMip "1"
SET raidGraphicsSSAO "0"
SET KioskLobbyKickSeconds "30"
SET raidGraphicsGroundClutter "1"
SET graphicsProjectedTextures "1"
SET RAIDhorizonClip "2000"
SET RAIDDepthBasedOpacity "0"
SET particleDensity "10"
SET raidGraphicsDepthEffects "0"
SET horizonStart "600"
SET graphicsParticleDensity "1"
SET RAIDlodObjectMinSize "0"
SET entityLodDist "5"
SET raidGraphicsSpellDensity "1"
SET RAIDVolumeFogLevel "0"
SET rippleDetail "0"
SET lodObjectFadeScale "50"
SET entityShadowFadeScale "10"
SET audioLocale "enUS"
SET RAIDgraphicsQuality "1"
SET horizonClip "2000"
SET RAIDlodObjectCullSize "30"
SET graphicsViewDistance "1"
SET raidGraphicsViewDistance "1"
SET RAIDweatherDensity "0"
SET graphicsTextureResolution "1"
SET KioskCharacterTemplateSet "0"
SET projectedTextures "1"
SET RAIDfarclip "2000"
SET wmoLodDist "250"
SET TerrainLodDiv "384"
SET weatherDensity "0"
SET graphicsGroundClutter "1"
SET farclip "2000"
SET graphicsLiquidDetail "0"
SET doodadLodScale "50"
SET textLocale "enUS"
SET raidGraphicsComputeEffects "0"
SET graphicsShadowQuality "0"
SET gxMaximize "1"
SET worldBaseMip "1"
SET RAIDwmoLodDist "250"
SET graphicsOutlineMode "0"
SET componentTextureLevel "1"
SET raidGraphicsShadowQuality "0"
SET RAIDprojectedTextures "1"
SET DepthBasedOpacity "0"
SET lodObjectMinSize "0"
SET raidGraphicsParticleDensity "1"
SET graphicsSpellDensity "1"
SET RAIDhorizonStart "600"
SET graphicsSSAO "0"
SET hwDetect "0"
SET RAIDterrainLodDist "225"
SET videoOptionsVersion "37"
SET KioskCanSessionExpire "1"
SET raidGraphicsLiquidDetail "0"
További kérdések:
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