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Austria: SCOTT Sports SA
Niederlassung Österreich
Grabenweg 69
6020 Innsbruck
Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +43 512 34 35 31
Fax: +43 512 34 12 09
E-mail: austria@scott-sports.at
Commercial Register: Innsbruck / Register number: FN 252283 f
VAT-ID No: ATU41368505
Belgium: SSG (Europe) Distribution Center SA
P.E.D Zone C1
Rue du Kiell 60
6790 Aubange
Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +32 63 24 22 80
Fax: +32 63 60 18 33
E-mail: info@scott-sports.be
Enterprise Number : 0456.453.195
VAT-ID No: BE0456.453.195
France: SCOTT Sports SA
Succursale France
11 rue du Pré Faucon
PAE Les Glaisins
74940 Annecy le Vieux
Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +33 4 50 64 24 00
Fax: +33 4 50 64 24 01
E-mail: france@scott-sports.com
Commercial Register: Annecy / Register number: TGI 424805471
Share capital: CHF 6’000’000
VAT-ID No: FR64424805471
Germany: SCOTT Sports AG
Niederlassung Deutschland
Gutenbergstrasse 27
85748 Garching-Hochbrück
Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +49 (0)89 8987836 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)89 8987836 - 50
E-Mail: scott-de@scott-sports.de
Commercial Register: München / Register number: HRB 115980
Share capital: CHF 6’000’000
VAT-ID No: DE811319139
Via Provinciale n. 110
24021 Albino (BG)
Authorized representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +39 035 75 61 04 156
Fax: +39 035 75 61 22
E-mail: infosport@scott-sports.it
Commercial Register: Bergamo / Register number: R.E.A. no. BG - -406.855
VAT-ID No: 03770200164
Sweden: SCOTT Sports AB
Box 2055
750 02 Uppsala
Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +46 18 562800
Fax: +46 18 522800
E-mail: info@scott-sports.se
Commercial Register: Sundsvall / Register number: 556212-5491
VAT-ID No: SE556212549101
Switzerland: SCOTT Sports SA
Route du Crochet 17
1762 Givisiez
Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +41 (0)26 460 16 99
Fax: +41 (0)26 460 16 88
E-mail: switzerland@scott-sports.com (recommended retail price available)
Commercial Register: Fribourg / Register number: CH-217-0135214-3
VAT-ID No: CH466324
United Kingdom: SCOTT Sports SA
UK Branch
Unit 3 Baker Road
Nelson Park West
Cramlington, NE23 1WL
United Kingdom
Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +44 1 670 712 129
Fax: +44 1 670 712 058
E-mail: info@scott-sports.uk.com
Commercial Register: Cardiff / Register number: FC025570
VAT-ID No: GB621312983
South Africa: Scott Sports Africa (Pty) Ltd
17 Darling Street
North End
Port Elizabeth 6001
South Africa
Tel: +27 41 4048500
Fax: +27 41 4871713
E-mail: info@scott-sports.co.za
Commercial Register: Pretoria / Register number: M1976/002936/07
VAT-ID No : 4100103888
United States of America: SCOTT USA Inc.
P.O. Box 2030
Sun Valley
Idaho 83353
United States of America
Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +1 208 622 1000
Fax: +1 208 622 1005
E-mail: info@scottusa.com
Europe/Global: SCOTT Sports SA
Route du Crochet 17
1762 Givisiez
Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +41 (0)26 460 16 16
Fax: +41 (0)26 460 16 00
E-mail: webmaster.marketing@scott-sports.com
Commercial Register: Fribourg / Register number: CH-217-0135214-3
VAT-ID No: CH466324
India: SCOTT Sports India Pvt Ltd
402, Marathon Max Opposite Nirmal Lifestyle LBS Marg,
Mulund West Mumbai – 400080
India Authorized Representative: Beat Zaugg
Tel: +91 22 4122 8548
Fax: +91 22 4122 1032
E-mail: service@probike.co.za
Commercial Register: U74900MH2009PTC195841
VAT-ID No : 27850734110V (Local VAT)/ 27850734110C (Central VAT Number)
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