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Szerintetek mi a leghatékonyabb harcművészet? (nem küzdő sport! )

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Tudom ezeket nem lehet rangsorolni de kérlek probáljátok meg mi az ami nektek bevált tapasztalatok szóbeszédek elmélet esetleg volt hogy alkalmaznotok kellet az utcán és bevált?

2019. aug. 21. 21:57
 1/9 anonim ***** válasza:
Wing tsun
2019. aug. 21. 22:00
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/9 anonim ***** válasza:
Esetleg wudang kung fu
2019. aug. 21. 22:00
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/9 anonim ***** válasza:
2019. aug. 21. 22:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/9 anonim ***** válasza:
Kickbox. Sajnos volt pár eset, amikor nem lehetett elkerülni a verekedést. Jól bevált, nem volt gond, hamar lenyugodtak az ellenfelek....
2019. aug. 21. 23:39
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 5/9 anonim ***** válasza:
Bocs... látom cak harcművészetre kérdeztél rá. Akkor vedd úgy, hogy nem is írtam :)
2019. aug. 21. 23:40
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/9 Tiszakanyar ***** válasza:

Ha nem gond, én egy angol nyelvű választ adok eme kérdésre, ugyanis nem én írtam. Egy angol nyelvű fórumon ugyanez a kérdés volt és ott is mentek a sablon szövegek, hogy wingchun meg choy lee fut meg wudang meg minden egyéb. Amíg nem jött ez a válasz:

"Being an MMA practitioner with a Muay Thai background, I never really took Kung Fu seriously, since I have sparred and won many times against practitioners of Wing Chun, Hung Gar, Xingyi Quan, and Northern Praying Mantis. I noticed the problem with these styles were that they lacked conditioning as well as flexible footwork, used unrealistic techniques, and focused more on performance rather than practicality. Thus, I deduced that Kung Fu was indeed useless. One day however, a group of Kung Fu practitioners came to our gym wanting to spar with me, as well as my friends. At first, we didn’t take them seriously, until they gave us the beating of our lives. I later found out that they were practitioners of Lung Ying, AKA Southern Dragon Style Kung Fu, an ancient and extremely rare Chinese combat system that has almost never had the mainstream popularity of Wing Chun or Shaolin Kung Fu. When I looked back at the history of Kung Fu practitioners being beaten by MMA practitioners since the early UFC days, I found that none of those Kung Fu stylists who got hammered by MMA fighters were Lung Ying practitioners. Therefore, I’ve concluded that Lung Ying is the most practical and effective Kung Fu style because of several reasons

Lung Ying fighters are extremely deceptive and attack from multiple angles with a rapid series of vertical punches, hammerfists, palm strikes, elbow strikes, low kicks, and forearm trapping techniques, effectively locking you up and leaving no room for counters.

Out of all the Kung Fu styles I’ve sparred with, Lung Ying was the only style that could effectively defend against both strikes and takedowns. First off, their stance consisted of bent knees and arched backs, similar to a wrestling stance. This made generic MMA takedowns all but futile. Even when I managed to get in that close, I learned the hard way when my opponent followed up with a sharp knee to the face. Furthermore, their hands are always up high, closing off their centerline and protecting their face, making it hard to land any forms of linear strikes.

The basic combat curriculum for Lung Ying, unlike the other styles I fought includes lots of conditioning. While observing their training session the day after, a significant part of their class involves striking steel poles with their forearms, as well as excessive abdominal conditioning, followed by hard, full-contact sparring without gloves against a resisting opponent, which explained why they were able to take more punishment than the other Kung Fu stylists I’ve sparred with.

The footwork employed by Lung Ying practitioners are not only highly mobile, but just as deceptive and fluid as their attacks. For example, I recall that the one of the Wing Chun practitioners I fought employed a rigid, upright, and frontal stance with unbent knees. Not only was he easy to knock down, but his stance prevented him from employing effective footwork. However, the Lung Ying fighter I sparred with was able to quickly and effectively move back and close the distance with his footwork, all while maintaining his stance and composure.

Finally, although this is a highly theoretical example, since Lung Ying isn’t as popular as other styles such as Wing Chun, not a lot of people know about it. Because of it, it is unlikely that the average MMA practitioner would know what they’re going up against should they face a Lung Ying fighter, giving them the severe disadvantage of fighting a style they’ve never seen or heard about before.

To conclude this, I will once again say that Lung Ying, although a rare and misjudged form of Kung Fu is THE most effective Chinese martial art because of its highly practical training methods, techniques, and footwork. If you are an avid MMA practitioner and harsh critic of Chinese martial arts like I once was, I can almost 100% guarantee that sparring with a properly-trained Lung Ying fighter will change your mind."

Ha esetleg nem érted, akkor lefordíthatom neked majd később.

2019. aug. 22. 07:22
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 7/9 anonim ***** válasza:
Ha a küzdősportokhoz tartozik a box, kickbox, savate, thai box, bjj, judo, birkó, és a harcművészet kb a többi, akkor én egy ashihirát bedobnék mint leghatékonyabb harcművészet. Nyilván a küzdősportok hatékonyabbak valamivel.
2019. aug. 22. 08:16
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 8/9 anonim ***** válasza:

6 éves korom óta Judo-zom, en szétszedném ezt a sportágat szívem szerint cselgáncs (lebutított, szabályokkal teli küzdősport)

Judo, valodi keleti harcművészet.

2019. aug. 22. 13:39
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 9/9 anonim ***** válasza:
2019. aug. 22. 14:19
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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