Jobb lenne, ha a forint helyett bevezetnénk az eurót? Milyen előnyei lennének?

6#: Milyen "gazdaságunkba"? Van egy db. jelentős magyar cég is, ami színvonalas munkát végez, és önálló, nem kooperációs?
"Ja", az átcímkézett Rábásított Renault tűzoltóautó pl.:).

"From 2010 and 2016, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia received EU funds roughly equivalent to 2 to 4 per cent of their gross domestic products. But the outflow of profits and property incomes to the west from these countries over the same period ranges from 4 to 8 per cent of GDP."
"It is high time politicians in the west explained that fact to their constituents — EU money is not charity. It is a quid pro quo."
"When eastern Europe joined the EU, an unspoken pact was concluded. The east removed trade barriers, allowing western companies to carve out a share of their economies. In exchange, the west promised to transfer EU funds eastward so the former communist bloc could build the infrastructure it desperately needed.
The west made profits; the east made progress. The deal was mutually beneficial. But if the west starts reneging on those promises now, they risk tearing up the European social contract."
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